A, Table of the Contents. Page Page Believers under the Gofpel enjoy humane Nature. 92 greater Priviledges than And hisfatisfingdivinepu thofe under the Lary. 466 Tice. 94,95 Blood of Chrifi ckanfeth from all Contentment in everyflate enjoy- fin. 264 I ed by the Gofpeí, and the ...-f ourranfoin. 253 reafonsofit.309,31o,31I. Bodies of the Saints inHeaven Covenant thenaturalwithman in ¡hallbefpiritualand immor- Paradi fe for wife reafons. tai. 188,43 3 -The terms ofit mapsjuft.15,16, --..Shallbe raifed and transform- 17 ed into the likenefs f ¡ --The Covenant ofGrace excells Ghriff'sglorious body,43 2, 1 that ofWorks. 1,177 433 It indulgespardonupon repen- C tance. 177,178 It accepts fincere Obedience. ChriflianReligion excelsall other 178. inftitutions. 376 ----.It affords Supernatural 40- .....The def, n ofit is to make men ante to Believers agaang Holy. 377,378 fin. An empty pr.ofelion of it is Ìt prorates a more excellent without benefit. 384 reward than thelife inpa- The evidences ofitsdivine de- radife.186,187,188,189 fcent. 43 5,436 D Chrifli4ns the-.Primitive excelled inHolinefs. 378 Dath threatnedfor mans defile- .Were admired by the `Plea,. ! . ; , dience. 17 then. 379 '7'hefirft andfecond the wages Chriflians that are unholy deny. offan. 152, . and reproach Chrifl, 383, -,-Why inficled on Believers. 384. 272,273,. Confcience that of4damwasfur- ---,The Death ofChrifi the pro- nifht with prat7ical know- curing caufeof our life.9o- ledg. 7 «Xis confideredas to its igna- Comfort ofmen fecured:bytheSon min, andtorment. 164, ofGod's alliance with the 265,2251226 "a