Bates - BT775 B274 1675

ATable of Page --'Twas a punifhment inflicted onhimforfin. 224,225 Its value is from his divine Nature. 251,252 ..'Tis effectualfor thepardon of fins before his coming. 262,263 . --And to the end of theWorld. 263 It procured Holinefs for us. 265 _'T''aa the price to ranfom na from Hell. 230,231 'Tis no caufe of Scandal but admiration to Believers. 280,281 Victorious over our Spi- ritualenemies. 396,397 Debts, why fin reprefented by them. 223 ?Delight, the belt arifesfrom the knowledg of the Gofpel. í08,109 Defpair flops allendeavoars.63, 64 Devil,themotives ofhis tempting Adam. 20,21 His Tyranny over Manfine the Fall. 151 .He is overcome by the Death ,ofChrift. 396,397 His rageinpoffeftperfons,394 His callingout,the effect ofDi- vinePower. 395. the Contents. 1 Iì Page E End eGod in our Redemption. 1, Of Chri/t in his Sufferi g. 137,138 Evilofftn clearly difcovered. 275, 276,277 Examples,theirefficacy. 34o ---ThatofChrig is perfect and accommodate to ourAve. 341. , It difcovers our duty, and ex- cites toperform it. 345, 346 Exaltation of Chrift the reward ofhis Sufferings.2S9i260 F 1 Faith is above fenfe and reafon. 123,124 'Tis built onDivineRevela- tion. 124,126 I-17snot repugnant toright red- fin. Ia8 It improves reafen. 129 IIt makes ufe ofit. 13o -'Tis faving when it draws the' will, andrenders aperfon obedient to the Gofpel. 131,132,133 --'Tisrequiredas the Condition of