A Table ofthe Contents; Page ofour yuflification. 266, 267, 293,294,305 Fall ofMan anoccafion ofgreater Glory to God, andof 'a more excellent Happinefs to Man. 77,78 Father; Why God theFather was not incarnate. 85,86 Fear a powerful affellion. 358 _FearofHellalone cannot make men truly Holy. 359 firfl awakens men to feekfor Heaven. 358 Tis a proper motive to the Saints. 359 G Page It enjoyes afeparationfrom all evil, and the performance of all that is truelygood. 296,297 I _'Tis more efficacious, to make men better, than Philo- fophy. 355 ....It reveals and affures thefu- ture'lateof bleffednefs and moler» 366,367,368 It lays the flrictefl obligations upon Chriflians to be emi- nentin Ilolinefs.38o,381 An empty profefon of it is without benefit. 384 .The abufeofit is difhonoural te to God, andpernicious to Glory ofGod mull be the endof all ir Men. 374,375 our aelions. 301,328 i .Thefirflpreaching ofit made a --The Glory ofChrifl and ofthe i great changé in the World, Saints in Heaven, 362 1 frompag. 417, to 420 God hisgoodnefsfhin'd in the Cre I Grace ofGod is no encouragement ation. tofin. 6 f 373,374 Is .Effentially and Infinitely Guilt makes us fearful of God's Happy. 6,136,137 prefence. 83 I-Iisgoodnefs not difparaged by. ._typical was removed by Cere- permitting the Fat/.43,44 maniai offerings. 235 Godlinefs, What it comprehends. _Real only by the Sacrifice of 300,301,302 Chrifl. 236 "Gofpel, the Ignorance of it leaves men in a wretchedfiate. I H IO2,103 -.TheService ofit is pure and Happinefs the univerfal define of Spiritual. 314 i Men. 51 PP p --'Tis