Bates - BT775 B274 1675

A Table of theContents: Page I Page ,'Tis plac'd in ob jec7s fuitable to I Was loft by Mans Fall. z9,30 their temper. 51 _-.The Holiness o fGod not ble- Happinefs Ofthe Saints in Hea- might by his permitting ven is eternal. 3 64 1 Man's Fall. 43 Heathens did not find and own Is advanced by the way ofour God in the way ofNature. Redemption. 96,97 90, 91 ---,Perfect Holinefs was requifite --Had tome lower operations of inour Saviour. 216 the Spitit. 381 'Tis the peculiar Glory of the They had uncertain vain con- Deity, 291. 292 ceits ofthe future fiate of 'Tis Gloried in the Death of Miler and Happinefs. 365,366 - -Their Corruption in manners defcribed. 405,406 --They were vicious by the imi- tation oftheir Gods.3 8z, 406°4°7 Heaven is fecured to Believers by thegift ofChrifl. 95 Excells Paradife, 187 Chrifl. 292,293 abfolutely neceffary in or- der to our Salvation. 295 --'Tis restored to us by our Re- demer. 296 'Tis the m] excellent benefit. 372,373 Hope of carnalfelicitydraws men topurfue earthly things.57 .OfHeaven a powerful per- _ Tis The purchafe of Chrifl's fwafive to Holiness. 364, blood. 265 365 --- Defcribed.360,361,362,363 Humilitypreparesfor the beliefof Helldefcribed.144,145,3 56,357 Supernatural Mysteries. --ilproper and powerful motive 131 to refirain from pleafant 'Tis flric7ly enjoyn'd in the Sins. 357,385 Gofpel;and the reafonsofit. And to overcomecarnal Fears. 302,303,304.305. 3 5 8 _ Humility of Christ our pattern. Holinefs is more excellent than _ 342,343 the rewardthat attends it. I Humiliation ofChrist requit:te to 17 - -..-.destroy theprideofMan. 89 lefus