A Tableofthe Contents. Page Page M It alone ruts a difference between fallen Man and the Angels of Man the abridgment of the univerfe. 2 Darknefs. 147 --Made in GodsImage. 2,3 'Tis moll pleating to God and effe_ He was Created toferve God in a Etual to caufe Repentance in rationalmay. 11,12 man. 195,196 He of all vifzble beings is only ca- The mercy ofGod ingiving Chrif pable of a Law. 12 - -He is under an eternal obligation to ferve God. 13 --He loll his Holinefsand Felicity by hie difobedience.29,30,3i,32,33 He cannot recover his loft Holinefs. not inconfiftent with exalling fatisfallion forfin. 2.43,244 Miracles the proof of Chriff's divine Mißon. 390 .Necefary to convince the Pews and Gentiles. 391,392 48 ..__.,Thofe that Chriff wrought were be- -He is f rongly inclined to fenfual neficial tomen,andwere nume- pleafures. 52, to 59 roes. 393,394,395. .He is not affe6ied with the beauty -- Performed by the Apoftles, a clear of Holinefs, nor the rewards of proof of the truthofthe Gofpel. it. 61,62,63 445 Man in his prefent Rate cannot fuflain Mofaical fervice was carnal. 313 the Glory ofGod's prefence. 83 Myfteries ofReligion exceed our Themifery ofhisfallen'fate defcri- prehenfion. 125,126,127 bed. from 149, to 153 Is reftored to a more excellent ffate than his firff. 173 In his corrupt(fate is without any Nature. The humane nature of Chrif motives to excite God's love. renders his Government anzia_ N 141,142 Mannah a type ofChriJL. 456,457458 Martyrs:their courage and clearfulnefs in fuffering for the Gofpel. 421,422,423,424 The Difference between their Suf- ble to men. 85 The humane is raifed to the higheft honour by union with the Son of God. 171 The light ofit is imperfect to Al-co- ver all our duties and all our ferings for the Gofpel,andofo fins. 328 Chersfor afálfe Religion. 424 Necefty not afufcient argument to make us contented under trou. Melchifdeca type ofGhriJf. 464 Meah: 7efus was foretold under that bles. 331,332 title. 452 1 Mercy itspeculiar Glory. 13 5,13 6 0 It excells the Goodnefs ofGod in Obedience ofChriff was compleat and of eur Creation. 040 Infinite value. 343,344 Offices