A Table. of the Contents: Page Page Offices ofChri( arefuitable to the necef- In his Miracles. 391)392,393539+ sties ofFallen Man. 8o In his Refurrellion. 398 Original finderivedfrom Adam thena- I--In the Converfion of the World to rural and Moral principle of Chriftianity.from 401 to 427 Mankind. 34,35 [ In theRefurrellion of the Saints. ---Itspollution andguilt. 36,37,38 431,432 Priefthood ofChrift required the concur- P rance ofbothhis Natures.8o,81 Priefis of the Heathens great enemies to Pagan Religion why fo obfiinatelyre- theGofpel. 412,413 tain'd. 404,405 Pridea chiefingredient in thefirft fin. Pafcal Lamb a typeofChrift. 461,462 Patience encouraged by argumentsfrom It hinders the belief offupernatural theGoJpel. 335 ` verities. 120,121,403 Perfeverance of the Saints fecured by Pride oftheir own righteoufnefs binders the unchangeable Love of God, mens fubmitting to God's. and the efficacy of the Spirit. 286,287 179,180,181 Princes of the World oppojed the Gofpel. Perfecution again(1 Chrifiianity. 421 413,414 Philofophers mofi oppofte to the Gofpel. Prophetical office of Chrift required the 1 20,12 I: andfrom 407 to 402 concurrence of both his Na- ._Their immoral maxims. 336,337 tures. 82,83 belt of them vicious. 355,4Fo Propheciesfulfill'd inChrift. 451 t Philofphy defeítive as topiety. 320, to 460 328 Providence:the common bounties of it not IneffeElual to form the Soul topa- fufficient to overcome theguilty tience under troubles. from Fears ofMen. 195 33o to 334 _Nor to kindle in us afincere Love to Cannot fortifie againft Death. 334, God. 198 335 'Twas denyed by the Philofophers. Pbilofophical change was not entirefrom 321 all fin to Holinef . 352,353, Punifhment offin,purely vindictive is 354 taken away by Chrift as to Poligamy taken awayby Chrift. 316 Believers. 395 Power Divine was glorified in the Cre- ation. 4)5 R ----It could havepreferved man in his innocentfiate. 41 ----'I'ts Glorified in the Incarnationof the Scn ofGod. 387,388,389, 390 Reconciliation ofGod to man by Chrift's Death. 2..37 _42,943e Redeemer ofManmull be Godand Man. 2X8,219,220,22I, Redemp-