-_ ATable of the Contents. Page Page ,They --.They extingui/ht the Affeílions.328, perfeí't manner by the. Saints 329 190 Vnbeliefcuts offfront all the benefits of T I the Gofpel. 290 Temple;thefecond moreglorious than the firft,by Chriftsprefence. 413 Types why ufed in the firft age ofthe Church. 449 Temptations (hall not finally overcome the Elett. 182,183,184 Tree ofKnowledgwhyforbidden to man. 18,19 Trinity;the Do5lrine of it the Foundati- on ofour Redemption. 123 --- .'2'is Reveal'd in Scripture, not known bynatural light.99,1z4 Truthdivine glorified in our Redemp- tion. 449,450 Of the Gofpel confirm'd by compa- ring it with the Types andPro- phefy ofthe Old leftament.465 V Virtues of the Heathensnot ftncere.319, Vifion beatifical excels Mans knowledg of God in Paradife. 189 for. ever enjoyed in the molt Vil Will of thefirft Man was entirelyfan- 7,8 It's Corruptionfince the Fall.5o,5 r, 52 Will ofGod theprimary calif' ofordain- ingChrift to be our Mediator. 213,214 Will of Chrift was requifitefor his un- dertaking to be our Mediator. 214,215 Wifdom,the Divine vifible in the Crea- tion. 5 -- .'Twos not blemifh't by permitting the Fall of man. 41,42 ---It contrived the way ofour recovery. 73 ,74)75 -- -'2H Incomprehenfible. 76 Glorifiedin our Redemption. from 79 to 97 Wrath: the averfion of God id upon the account ofChrift's Peath.237, FINIS. 238