46 e OttnuonpOf tilt ítlitte Chap. III. Law' Community may e appoint one®of theirnumber to y PP be their Reprefentative, to tranfaC affairs of thegreateft moment, and according to his management, the be- nefit, or damage, (hall accrue to them, becaufe he is reckon'd to perform the wills of them all; May not God who hath a fupreme dominion over us, conf}i- yid. ward de tute Adam the Reprefentative of Mankind, and unite Pcccat.origin. the confent of all in his general Will, fo that as he ful- filled or negleeted his Duty, they (hould be happy or miferable ? This Confideration alone, that thefi'rfl Co- venant was order'd by God, may perfe&ly fatisfie all enquiries. As salvian having confeft his Ignorance in the reafons of fome difpofitions ofProvidence, filences salt'. iib.3. de all OhjeR`ions with this ; Nihil in hacre opus eft aliquid Frov. audire, fatis fit pro univerfis rationibus Author Dear. Neither is this a meer extrinfck Argument, as Au- thority ufually is, becaufe there is an intrinfickreafon of this Authority, the abfolute Reftitude and Juífice PCal. I4p.17. of Gods nature, Who is righteous in all his ways, and holy in all his works. CHAP.