The Preface. jJ el bath clearly reveal'd fo much of it as is requifite to be known in our earthly Hate, yet thefublimer parts areHill fecret, and referv'd for a full dJcovery by the brightnfs of our Saviour's Appearance. ow if the Excellency of things ex- cites our Spirits to be attentive in fearch- ing into their nature, this Divine Ob- jetéfhould awaken all our Powers, and arrefi our é71'inds, in the ferious fleady contemplation of it, being alone capable to fatisfy their immortal appetite. fe Importance of it is correfpondent to its excellency . for 'tit no left than the recovery of usfrom extream and eternal mifery, and the ?efloring ofus to the en- joyment of tdhe flefed God, a felicity without comparifon or end. If we have any regard to Salvation, (andwho would be fo unhappy as to neglec`l it for uncon- cerning frivolous. Vanities? ) it will be delightful