5 2 e atmonpof tieZtbmne 2ttttibutt , Chap. IV. fides that part which is fo by its natural condition, the molt noble part is made fo by unnatural choice and corruption. From hence the Apoflle gives an univer- Tit. 3. 3, fat Character of Men in their corrupt ítate, That they are foolifb and difobedient, deceived, ferving divers lulls and pleafures. This purfuit of Senfual pleafure, is the fervice of a slave, which bath no other Lawof fiis Life but the Will of his Matter. The Servitude is divers, but all are Slaves, the Chains arenot the fame, Tome are more glittering but not lefs weighty , and every one is deprived of true Liberty. But the Bondage is fo pleafing, that corrupted Man prefers it before spiritual and real Freedom. Senfual Lufts blind the Llnderftanding, and bind the Will fo, that he is unable becaufe unwilling to refcue himfelf. He is deluded with the falleappearance ofLiberty, and imagines that to live according to Rule is a flavifh Confinement. As if the Horfe were free, becaufe his Rider allowes him a fill career in a pleafant Road,when the Bridle is in his Mouth, and he is under its impe- rious check at pleafure. Or a Galley -flave were free, becaufe the Veffel wherein he rows with fo much toil, roams over the vaft ocean. And whereas there are two Confiderations which are proper to convince Man that the full and unconfin'd enjoyment of Worldly things cannot make him happy, becaufe they are wounding to the Confcience, and unfatisfying to the Affections; yet thefe are ineffeerual to take him off from an eager purfuit of them. I will particularly con- fider this, to {hew how unable Man in his lapfed con- dition is to difìntangle himfelf from miferable vanities, and confequently to recover his loft Holinefs. i. senfual Pleafures are wounding to the Confci- ence. There is a fecret acknowledgment in every Mans Breaft of a Suuperiour Power to whom he mutt give