Bates - BT775 B274 1675

Conttí%íngeAn'5Enemption. .69. Affections that depend on the humours of the Body Chap. IV. which are mutable, alter with them : But Hatred is feated in the fuperiour part of the Soul, which is of a spiritual nature and Diabolical in obftinacy. Tnfhort, When the reafonable Creature is guilty and vitious, and knows that God is gull and Holy, and that He will be fevere in revenging all Difobedience, he bath no Care nor Detireto reform himfelf. He will not lay .a reftraint on his pleating Appetites, when he expeéts no recompence: heefteems it loft labour to-ab- ftain : And all his detign is to allay and fweeten the fearoffuture Evils by prefent enjoyments. When he is fcorcht with the apprehenlons of wrath to come, he plunges' himfelf into fenfual exceffes for fame relief. He refolves to make hisbell of Sin for time : accor- ding to the Principle of the Epicures, Let to eat and , cor.. drinkwhile we may, to morrow wefhall die. The,Sunt ofall is this, That anunrelenting and unre- formedSinner is incapable of Pardon, For unlefs God fhould renounce his ownNature, and deny his Deity, He cannot receive him to favour. And it is incon- ceivablehow the rational Creature once lapfed, fhould ever be encoúrag'd to Repentace withoút the expeéta- tion of Mercy : And therebeing an infeparable alliance between the integrity and felicity ofman by the terms of the frfl Covenant, the one failing, he could not entertain the leaft degreeof Hope concerning theother. By all which it appears he is under an invincible nece& Pity ofinning and fufering for ever; his Mifery is compleat and defperatea CfIAPy