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70 1:liQPatiütottp Í!}e ZßbittQAti1CltutO, Chap. V. t,vL CHAP. V. Of the Divine Wifdonze in the contrivance ofMan's Re- demption. underflandingAgents propoundan End, and choofe Meansfor the obtaining it. The End of God is of the highefi confequence, his own Glory and Man's Recovery. The difficulty ofaccor4plifhing it. The Means are proportionable. The Divine wifdome glorified in tatting occalion from the Sin and Fall of Man to bring Glory to God, and to raife Man to a more excellent State. it appears in ordaining fuch a Mediator, as ruasfit to reconcile God to Man, and Man to God. 'Tis difcovered in the defignation of the Second Perfon to be our Saviour. And making the Remedy to have a proportion to the calife of our Ruine. 'Tis vifble in the manner whereby our Re- demption is accomplifbt. And in the ordaining fuch contemptible means to produce fuch glorioua effeEts. And laying the deign of the Gofpel, fo as toprovide for the comfort, andpromote the holinefs ofMan. GOD by his infallible Prefcience (to which all things areeternally prefent) viewing the Fall of Adam, and that all Mankind lay bleeding in him, out of deep compaífion to his Creature, and that the Devil might not be finally vi&orious over him, in his Coun- fel decreed the Recovery of Man from his languifhing and miferable ftate. The defign and themeans are moft worthy of God, and in both his wifdom appears. This will be made vifible by confidering, that all underftanding Agents firff propound an end, and then choofe the means for the obtaining of it. And the more perfe& the Vnderflanding is, themore excellent is the end it defigns, and the more fit and convenient are the