4 2 %e parmOnp of tieZíbíne Zttríbutz , Chap. V. prefent Himfelf in the exercife of his Attributes. As ç' the Divine. Nature is the primary and compleat Objea of his Love, fo he takes delight in thofe A&ions where- in the image and brightnefs of his own vertues ap- pear. Now in all the works of God there is an evi- dence of his Exellencies. But as force Stars thine with a different glory, fo thereare force noble effects, where- in the Divine Attributes are fo confpicuous, that in compare with them, the reff of God's works are but obfcure expreffions of his Greatnefs. The principal are rrn(.19.1. Creation and Redemption. The Heavens declare the glory of God, and the Firmament his handy-work. And when God furveyed thewhole Creation, and fan, that Gen, r. all which he had made was good, He ordain'd a Sab- bath, to figni6e the content and fatisfaftion he had in the difcovery of his eternal Perfections therein. But efpecially his Glory is mot} refplendent in the Work ofRedemption, wherein more of theDivine At- tributes are exercis'd than in the :Creation, and in a more glorious manner. 'Tis here that IFifdom, Good- nef , Juflice, Holinefs and Power are united in their higheft degreeand exaltation. Uponthis account the I Tim.i. II. Apofhe ufeth that expreflion, The glorionr Gofel ofthe Blejfed God : It being the cleareft revelationof his ex- cellent Attributes, the unfpotted mirrour wherein the Tai paya,,trIa great and wonderful efeds of the Deity are fet forth. 3. ThePraife and Thankfgiving that arifeth from the a "' difcovery of his Perfe&ions by reafonable Creatures, whoconfider and acknowledge them. When there is a folemn veneration of his excellencies and the molt ardent affeClions to Him for the communication of his rat, 5o 23. goodnef . Thus in Gods account, Whofo ofers praife, glorifies him. An eminent example of this is fet down in yob 38.7. when at thebirth of the World, The Mor- ning Starsfang together, and all the Sons ofGodfhouted for