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in Contcibing 9; ttn' Cbl'nipt1ön 7 3 forjoy. And at its newBirth, theydefcend and make Chap V. hispraife glorious in a triumphant Song. It will be the eternal exercife of the Saints in Heaven, where they Palm. 66.2. more fully underftand theMyftery of our Redemption, and confider every circumftance that may add a lutter to it, to afcribe Bleffing, Honour, Glory and Power to Rev. 5. 13. him that fits on the Throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever. secondly, The fubordinate End is the reftoring of Man : And this is inviolably joyn'd with the other. 'Tis expreft by Peace on earth, and good will towards men. Sin bath broke thatfacred Alliance whichwas be- tween God and Man: and expofed him to his juft dif- pleafure. A mifery inconceivable. And what is more becoming God, who is the Father ofMercies, than to glorifie his dear Attribute, and that which in a pecu- liar manner characterizes his Nature, by the Salvation God if love. of the miferable? What is more honourable to Him, I John 4, 9. thanby his Almighty Mercy to raife fo many Monu- ments from the duff, wherein his. Goodnefs may live and reign for ever? Now for the accomplifhing of thefe excellent Ends, the Divine Wifdom pitcht upon thofe means which were moft fit and congruous, which I (hall diflinCtly confider: The Mifery offallenMan eonfifted in the Corrupti- on of his nature by Sin, and the Punifhment that en- fues : And his Happinefs is in the reftoring him to his primitiveHolinefs, and in Reconciliation to God, and the full fruitionof him. The way to effe& this was beyond the compafs of anyfiniteUnderflanding. That God, who is rich in Goodnefs, lhould be fa- vourable to the Angels who ferve him in perfe&Purity, we may eafily conceive ; for though they do not merit his favour, yet they never provokt his Anger. And 'tis L impofiible