ínCcníaíng a>ra'z iartrmption. 3 Firft, The Infirmity of Man's Nature cannot endure Chap. V. the Glory of God's appearance. When the Lawwas L.,Thr' ..J delivered on Mount Sinai, the ifaelites were under great terrors at the sights and Prodigieswhich accom- panied the Divine Pretence, and they defired that God would (peak to them nomore in his Majefty andGreat- Deut.5. 25. nefs, left they fbould die. There is fuch a difpropor -- Job 13.1L tion between our meannefs and his excellencies, that Daniel, though a Favorite of Heaven, yet his Corn- Dan. 10.17. liners was turn'd into corruption at the fight of a Vilion. And the beloved Difciple fell down as dead at the ap- aten. 1.17. pearance of thrift in his Glory. When the Eye gazes on the sun, 'tis more tormented with the brightnefs than pleated with the beauty of it But when the beams are traufmitted through a coloured medium, they are more temperate and fweetned to the fight. The Eternal Word fhinir.g in his full glory, the more bright,the lets vifible ishe tomortal eyes ; but the incar- nate Word is eclipfed and allayed by a nail offlefla, and Eteb io, 20. fo made acceffible to us. God out ofa tender refpeé to our frailty and fears, promifed to raife up a Prophet loathed in our nature, that we might comfortably and Deut, 18.15.; quietly receive his lnftru&ions. 2. Guilt makes us fearful of his Pretence. The ap- proach of God awakens the Confcience, which is his fry in our bofoms, and caufes a dreadful apparition of Sin in its view. When one beam of Chrifts Divinity broke forth in the miraculous draught of fifties; Peter criesout, Departfrom me for I ama (inful man, 0 Lord. Luke 5. B. Holinefs arm'd with terrors ftrikes "a Sinner into con- lernation. Now when the Mind is Ihaken with a ffòrm of fear,it cannot calmly attend to the Counfels of Wif- dom. But the Son of God appearing inour Nature, to expiate Sin and appeafe Divine Juftice, we are en- couraged to draw near to him, and fit at his feet, to M 2 hear