84 ltbeDattnanpof tte 2ittr'butcz, Chap. V. hear the words of eternal Life. Thus God complied t,if-Y-®J with our neceffity, that with a freer difpenfation we might receive the Counfels of our Saviour. ,. He is qualified for his Kingly Office,by the Vnion of the two Natures in him. He muff be God to con- quer Satan, and convert the World.' As eminent an a& of Power was necefiary to redeem, as to create. For although the Supreme Judge was to be fatisfied by humble Sufferings, yet Satan who ufurpt the Right John 12, 22. of Gad, (far Man had no power to alienate himfelf) was to be fubdued : having no juft title, he was to be Luke 3e. call out by power. And no lets than the Divine Power could accomplifh our victorious refcue from him. In Ífa. 63. 9. his love he pitied us, and his holy Arm got him the ueb. 7. 23. victory. He is the Author of eternal salvation, which no inferiour Agent could ever accomplith. 'Tis God EL '. E4 alonc can overcomeDeath, and him that had the power of Death, and bring us fafcly to Felicity. Eefides, our King muff be Man, that by the excel- lencyy of his Example, He might lead us in the wayof Life. Themof'c 'rational Method to reform the World is, not only to enadi Laws to be the Rule ofvertuous Actions, but for Law-givers tomake Venuehonourable and imitable by their own pra&ice. And to encourage us in the holy War againfi our enemies vifible and in- vifible, 'twas congruous that the Prince of our Salva- tion fhould take the Humane Nature, and fubmit to the inconveniertces of our warfaring ftate. As Kings when they defìgna glorious Congluefl,go forth inPerfon; and willingly endure the hardships of a Military con- dition,toanimate their Armies.The Apoffle tells us,that ieb.2, so, it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many fops to Glory, to make the Captain oftheir Salvation perfeel through Sufferings. God the great Dejigner of all things, forefeeing the Sufferings