inContti1gfg au'Z iletemptIon. Sufferings to which the Godly would be expofed in the CCha world, ordained it as miff convenient that the Author of their Deliverance fhould by Sufferings obtain the Reward, that by his example he might ffrengthen and deliver thofe that fuffer to the end. Again, the Son of God enter'd into our Family, and is not afhamed ;ieb. z. ä to call us brethren, to makehis Scepter amiable to us. He exercifeth his Dominion with a natural and fenfble touch of pity, he pardons our failings and puts a va- lue on our (incere though mean Services, as an honour done to him. Briefly, In him there is a combination of Power and Love ; The Power of the Deity with the tendernefs and clemency of the Humane Nature. He is the mighty God andPrince ofpeace. He is a King Iî . 6.4. fufl and powerful again!! our enemies, but mild and zee. 9. gentle to his People. He is willing to remove from us all the evils we cannot endure, our Sins and Sorrows and able to convey to us all the Bleffings we are capa- ble to enjoy. In all his Glory He remembers that he is our Saviour. At the Day of Judgment, when He rir. 2. t3. {hall come with a train of mighty Angels, He will be as tender of Man, as when He fuffered on the Crof . And from hence we may difcover the excellency of God's contrivance in uniting the Divine and Humane Nature in our Rederner, that He might have ability and ajfaion toqualifie him for that great and bleffed Work. Thirdly, The Divine Wifdom appears in the de,/igna- tion of the Perfon. For God refolving to fave 11/an in a way that is honorable to his juflice, it was expedient a Perlon in theBleffed Trinity fhould beput into a Efate of fubje&ion,to endure the punifhment due to Sin; But it was not convenient the Father fhould : For. i. Hemuff then have beenPent into the World,whïch is incongruous to the Relationsthat are between thole glorious Perlons. Foras they fubfiff in a certain Order, fo-