88 t t UO9t' O 4. íín ttribta03 Chap. V. jea of his Father's delight ? Our relation to God is an imitation and expreflìion of Chrifes. He is a Son by nature, a Servant by condefcenfion; we are Servants Eph, s. s by Nature, and Sons by Grace and Favour. Our Ado- ption into the lineof Heaven is by the purchafe of his Blood. The Eternal Son tookflefh, and was made un- Rom. 8, 29. der the Law, that we might receive the Adoption ofton:. Whowas more fit to repair the Image of God in Man, and beautifie his Nature, that was defiled with Sin, Hob, r. 3. = than the Son who is the exprefs Image of his Fathers perfon, and brightnefs and beauty it felf? Who can better communicate the Divine Counfels tous, than the Eternal Word ? 4. The Wifdom of God appears in making the Re- medy to have a proportion to the caule of our Ruine; a Cor. 15.22. that as we fell in Adam our Reprefentative, fo we are raifed by Chrift, the Head of our Recovery. The Apo.file makes the comparifon between thefirll and fe- dom.5.s 8, sq. cored Adam. Therefore as by the offence ofone, 7udg- mènt came upon all to condemnation; even fo by the righteoufnefs of one, thefreegift cameupon all men to the jut ificationof Life. For as by one Mans Difobedience IV'mula ratio- manywere made f nners, fo by the obedience of one many ne recuperavit nos Deus. f e made righteous'. gall b The are confider'd as Caufes of y Trtut. contraryofeels. The, e Jf- eCs are Sin and Righteoufnefs, Condemnation and Juftification. As the Difobedi- ence of the firft Adam is meritorioufly imputed to all his natural Pofcerity, and brings Death upon all; fo the Righteoufnefs-of the fecond is meritorioufly impu- ted to all hisfpiritual Progeny, toobtain Life for them. The carnal Adam having loft original Rightéoufnefs, derives a corrupt nature to all that defcend from him. And the fpiritual having by his Obedience pur- chafed Divine Grace for us, (that being the price without which fo rich a treafure as Holinefs could not