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toConttcíbíng ,+ +, an% Itebemption. 89 not be obtain'd) conveighs a vital efficacy to renew his Chap. V. People. The fame Spirit of Holiners which anointed L.-YU our Redeemer, dothquicken all his race, that as They have born the Image of the earthly, they may bear the r Cor. 15.49. Image of the heavenly Adam. 5. The Divine Wifdom is vifible in the manner whereby our Redemption is accomplifht; that is, by the Humiliationof the Son of God. By this He' did unumquod- counterwork the Sin of Angels andMan. Pride is the que eodem modo diffoi- poifon of every Sin, for in every one. the Creature vitur, quo prefers his pleafure, and Pets up his Will above Gods: conflituitur. but it was the fpecial Sin of Adam. The Devil would have levell'd Heaven by an unpardonable ufurpation; he faid, I will be like the Aloft High: and Man infested with his breath, (you 'hall be like God,) became lick of thefame Difeafe. NowChrifr, that by thequality of the Remedy he might cure our Difeafe in its fource and caufe, applied to our pride an unfpeakable hu- mility. Man was guilty of the highefr Robbery in affe&ing to be equal with God, and the Eternal Son who was in the form ofGod, and equal to Him in Majefry and Phil.2.6. Authority,without Sacriledge or Ufurpation, he empti- ed himfelf by affuming the Humane Nature in its fer- vile frate. The Word was made Plefh, the meaner} John t, i4. part is fpecified, to fignifie the greatnefs ofhis abafe- ment. There is fuch an infinite diftance betweenGod and flefh, that the condefcenfion is as admirable as the contrivance. So great was themalignity of our Pride, for the cure of which fuch a profound Humility was requifite. By this he deftroyed the firft work of the r John 3.3. Devil. 6. The Wifdom of God appears in ordaining fuch contemptible, and in appearance oppofite means, to ac- complifh fuch glorious effeCrs. The.Way is as wonder- ful