Bates - BT825 B37 1683

T6 SERMONS UPON DEATHD A N D Eternai Judgment. B WILLIAM 13ATCS, D. D. Afibsa s 16á súq f4 ea yp ayu LONDON; Printed by 7. D. for Brabazon Aylmer, at the Three Pigeons again$ the Royal Exchange in Gambit. 1683.

To the Right Honourable RACHEL Lady RussEr.> MADAM, Q Fall Affairs for the comp* fing whereof Men arefo di- ,lgent and follicitows, there is none of that abfolute nece f ity, and high importance, as the Preparation for Death and Judgment. This requires the whole Man in his bet vi- gour, and Mould be the Work of the Day, but 'tis ofrally delayed till the melancholy Evening ofAge, or the twi- light of Death. The Trifles of this World divert them from that main bu- f neß, to which all other things Ahould be fubordinate. It equally de flrves Wonder and Compa f ion, that Death -which is 16 confiantly in LIcns viev, A 2, fhould

The Epilile Dedicatory. /hould be fofeldom the matter of their application, when all are of the fame Gla¡i, made ofthe Jame frail natural Principles ; and no Argument is mote' frequently and pathetically urged upon theist. 'lis not Paige that deep Truths, that by theflrength and exercife of the mind are drawn like gold out of the Mines, have no efficacy upon thofe that are not capable ofunderflanding them : but the DoEirins ofDeath,and Judg- ment after it, are plain Truths, by Natural, tailoral, andDivine Evidence known to all, yet no more at Men, than a Paradox of incredible Novelty. lf the Doctrine of Eternal Judg- ment were but a probable Opinion, controverted with equal Arguments, yet 'ris a matter ofjuch vafl concern - ment,that ÇR eafon requires all our po f - fìble diligence to avoid an eternal evil that may be, the lofs of caleflial Glofy, and the Torments of fiell : Lut f Ince ris

The Epiale Dedicatory. 'tis an infallible Truth, as certain a the Word of Clod, 'tis a Miracle to aftonifh Heaven and Earth, that Men live as carele/ly as if theyfhould never die, and die as fecurely as i f they jhould not live in the next fiate, to re- ceive the juf punifhment of their Sins. They are fearlefs 0)0 Death is far off in their thoughts and when 4ge has plowed upon their heads, that no Marks ofdecaying Nature fhould ap- pear, make their own Winter to flourig) with anothers Spring. but 'tis in vain , for Death knows them under their difguife, and will not flay beyond - -the appointed time. And in that deci- f ve hour, Infidelity or Prefumption hardens Men to pafs a quietly and: boldly inappearance into another world, as unfeigned Faith,and a regular lively ,Mope in the Promifes of the GofM. Ent a5 deceitful Phyfck flops the Fit for the prefent, that will return more tialeratly andfatally afterwar-ds : So a counterfeit

The Epifile Dedicatory. counterfeit !hart Peace tranfmits them to everlafling Sorrows. The defìgn ofthefollowing S ER. MON S is to awaken ¿fen, that they may be wife and confider their lat- ter end : to Jecure an intereft in our 12edeemer, who has difarmed Death of its Sting and made that Enemy our Friend : and to praElife dying every day, by withdrawing their hearts from the vanities of this tranfient World, that havefuel, apernicious influence to excite the carnal appetites, andflupiify the Corfcience which are the true caufes of their fin and mifery. .Ind what can be more powerful to render ,then temperate and fober in the ufe of prefent things, vigilant and f rions in theirpreparations for their great and final Change, than the remembrance that Death is immediately attended with judgment , and Judgment with 3ief fednefs or M'ifery for ever. I know this 4rgunaent s naturally dif- pleafins

The EpiAIle Dedicatory. pleating, but the u fefulnefsfhould -re- commendit to our moltfolemnandcorn- poled thoughts, before all the vain en- te.r'tainments ofthe Fancy and fenfurl AfEtions. As Herbs ofMedicinal virtue, that are not plea f ng to thefight or fmeli, yet are valued by the Skilful as treyfores of Health ; andpreferr'd before the fairefl Flowers that areper- Jum'd and painted by Nature, fo as to excel the richeft luftre of Solo- mon's Glory. The Body is in a continual Con - fumption, and no Art can longpreferve it : but whilft the outward Man is irrecoverably declining and wailing, if the Inward Man be afcending and renewing to perfec`tion, the advantage is incomparable. O how comfortable is it to a holy believer in theparting hour to commit his Spirit into the hands of his Heavenly Father! (for thssa he is authorised and encouraged by our Saviour's Example) and lay down the

The Epifile Dedicatory. the Flefh to refs in Hopes for Chrift is the Guardian of the Grave, has the Keys of Death, and will revive the Bodies of his Saints incòr- ruptible and immortal, the Copies of his own glorious 'Body. Madam, I fhall not attempt the celebratingyour Ladi(hips Vertues ,that render you a bright Ornament o fjour Sex, and more truly Honourable than your Noble Defcent and Alliance but direEt nay bet Vefires to God, that your Family may be a fingular and e- minent Example ofthe DivineFavour: that the fading Gloßof this World may not deceiveyou, but your Heart ma), be above whereyour Treafiire is; thatyou may live to God andsour Soul, for Heaven and Eternity. I am, Madam, Tour Honours very humble andfaithful Servant, WILLIAM BATES.

S5 61114¡j $tAGf Á4154tallZA ÿ Cz i j f4 ! r! SERMONS U P O N DEATH HEB. 2.15. And deliver them, who through fear of Death were all their life-time fubjeft to Bondage. N the firfi Chapter of this EpifUle,the Proof, ofthe Eternal Deity of Chrifl are produ- ced with that evi- dence ofScripture-Light, that only 4 wiledHeart, obf+inate Infidelity dir can

z Vol: 4, 5. SEXM0NS can refìfl;. The Medium which the infpired Pen-man makes ufe of is, thecomparinghimwith thç Angels, the moff noble Flower ofthe Creation, and (hewing that he is infinitely dignified above them. This he does bya ftrong connexion of Arguments : Firft, By his Title that is divinely high and peculiar to himfelf. He is declared by the Tef}imony of the Eternal Father to be bis Son, in the moll proper and fublime fence : begotten of .7him, and there- fore having the fame effential Perfeétions of the God-head in their uncreated Glory. But the Angels are not dignified with this Name in any places ofScripture, where the Excellencyof the An- gels is in the fulleft terms expref fed. And that this Name is taken from his Nature, is clearly pro-. ved : becaufe Adoration i due to

upon DEATH. to him upon this account, even from the Angels of the highef Order. When he brina.eth in the verb: 6. fß.begotten into the World, he faith, And let all the Angels of god wor- ¡hip him. Divine Woríhip is a Preroga- Live infeparably annext to the Deity, both upon the'account of the fupream Excellencies of the Nature of God, and his Rela- tion to Angels and Men as Crea- tor, and Preferver, the Fountain of. their Being and Happinefsá This without the Aloft open defi- ance of his Authority, cannot be given to a mere Creature ; and 8,1)":.°62'.3.* I e : 5B Z. 3` bythe Command of God him- . felf, is to be performed as a re- fpe& due to the filial God-head. The Argument proceeds from the Name to the Offices. Of the yerß 7, Angels he faith, Who maketh the An- gels Spirits, and his ,2lini fters a B % flame

4 SE1'IVlUNS flame of Fire. They are the prime Inftrutnents cf his Providence, moil zealous and attive to ac complifh his pleafure. But the Son is God, not by Analogy and Deputation as Princes are, nor with a limitation and diminution, as Moles was made a god to Pha- raoh, but abfolutelyand really as fitbfifting in the Divine Nature : And confequently he is the Su- preme King, and to him the En- Iigns of Majeíy divinely Royal 8' areafcibed. But unto the Son he faith, Tíy T'l:rone, O god, is for ever and ever, a Scepter of fthte: oufizefs is the Scepter of thy king- dmI : Whereas the Scepters of Earthly Kings are often unrigh- teoufl y nianag'd , and their Thrones ruinoull y fall. There is a further Confirmation from his Works, that are divinelygreat and glorious, wherein ano rea... re

------------- upon DEATH. 5 ture has any share of Efficiency. Themaking of the World, is a- Çcrib'd to him. Thou Lord in to Ver!. Io, beginning hall laid the Foundation of the Earth, and the Heavens are the Works of thy Hands. The Divine Attributes, the pe- culiar Charmer of the Deity belong to him : Eternity and Im- mutability. The moft fad parts ofthevifble'Creation /hall pers fh and be changed: but thou re- maaefi, and art the fame. His Life is an entire, uniform, un- changable Perfection. His Glo- 'ry and Felicity are in the fame in- variable Tenor for ever pofeft by him. Lafily, The Son fits in that quality at the right Hand of the Veer. r,. Father, in the Society of Empire, as equal to him in Power and Honour, commanding all in the viable and inviable World, mot[ eaaly and irreffibly, tho' gra- 13 3 dually

Vol: a4> SE.AraNS dually fubduing his Enemies to a eonfummate Victory. But the Angels, fo numerous andpowçr-- ful, are minifiring Spirits, employ- ed for the defense and benèfit of the Church. From this fummary account we may underfland how firmly the Divinity of Chriit is effa- blifh'd in the Scripture. For thofe Faffages of the Prophets, that (peak of the God of Ifrael as Creator, and the foie objet of Adoration are direaly referr'd to Jefus Chrift. And the Namç Jehovah, the Majef+y of which canfifts in its being incommuni- cable is attributed to him. This is the Foundation upon which that whole Fabrick of the Go- fpel is built. The Office of Me- diator in theprophetical, priefily, and regal adminif+ration is necef- farily join'dwith the Divinity of his

upon DEATH. his Perron. And the revelation of it fromHeaven, is as clear as the Sun is vifble in the Firma - i:nnnt. All the Difficulties in our conceiving this great Myflery of Godlinefs, are but like the fha- dows that attend the Light. And all the heretial fubtilties to per- vert the fence of pitch plain and pofitive Texts, are as impertinent as impious. This being efcablìfh d,the Apo- ple proceeds to give an account of the Son of God's affuming the Humane Nature, and fub- mitting to Sufferings and Death. This is a Divine Secret fo mira- culously frange, that the Con- trivancQ was without the Corn- pafs of the Angelical Minds,and the difcovery of it, is onlyby fu- pernatural Revelation .: but when revealed, the account of it is fo open and confentaneous to rea- B 4 fon, 7

S E I Q N S fon,' as being the moRcongruous Means for the illuílration of God's Glory in the faving loft Men, that the humane Mind, iÊ not deeply corrupted with the tin tureof Prejudice, mutt con- tent to it a worthy of all acceptati- on. The fub{Rance ofhis reafoning is this, That it was the product of the molt wife, merciful, and righteous Counfel of God, that the Saviour of Men íhould have communion with them in their Nature, that he might have á right to redeem them by his Atli- anceand Propinquity for he that fanc`ifees, and they that are fanfti- fed,'are all one : and that he íhould undergo fufferings, even to death, for the price of their Redempti- on, and the remedy of their In- firmities Forafinuch ais the Chil- dren are partakers of FlJh and .lood,

Blood, be alfo likewife took part of the Jame, that through Death he might deflroy him that bad the Tower of Death, that is the Devil : Ancl deliver them who through fear of Death, were all their Lives fubjec to Bondage. The Devil isPaid to have the Power of Death. t. Becaufe he inducesmen to commit fin, than meritoriously renders them liable toDeath. He tempted the fiat Man cum of f eWtu, and was a L'Mt*derer from the be- ginning. 2. In that he inspires them with furious thoughts, and in- flames their Pallions , from whence proceedStrifes andWars, that efficiently caufe Death. He is fupreme in all the Arts of Mil- chief, and always intent upon E- vil. ' Its by his infcigation that Men become like raging Beafts,

SEXMOî1ZS Pfal.78.49. animated and bent on mutual flaughter. 3. Becaule he is many time the Executionér of God's Wrath, and inflits Death upon rebelli- ous and incorrigible Sinners. 'Tis recorded by the Pfalmiff, That God call upon the Egyptians the fierceneJs of his anger, wrath, indig- nation, and trouble ; by fending evil Angels : tholePrinces of the Air, the lnflruments of the Thunder and fiery ftorm of, Hail that de- ffroyed them. 4 4. Becaule he makes Death more formidable to fnners, by heightning their guiltyFears of God's Tribunal. The falfe Spi- rit, in tempting Men to fin, puts on blandifhments, but afterward he is a leyere acculer of them to God, and to themfelves. Laffly, This Title may figni- fy his tormenting finners with un-

upon D E A T H. ii unrelenting cruelty in Hell, which is the fecund Death. , Now there Evils being the pe- nal Confequence of fin, our Sa- viour by his Death appeas'd the injur'd Jufrice of God, and there- by deflroyed the cruel tyranny of the Devil. As the Lamb of God, in the Notion of a Sacrifice, he overcomes our fpiritual Enemies. Sin, Satan, and Death, lie van- quilit at the foot of his Crofs. Befdes, our Saviour having felt fuck furrows and infirmities as .are dual to his People, by that correfpondence and refemblance between them, is compailionate- ly inclin'd to relieve them. I fhall now infift upon the bleffed Privilege of Believers fet down in the Text, viz. That ,7e f ís Chrili by his Veath , frees his People from the

S ERMO NS the fervile tormenting fear of Death. In profecuting the Point, I, (hall, t. confider the account the Scripture gives of Death's entrance into theWorld. z. Shew what the fear of Death includes, and the Bondage confequent to it. 3 How the Deathof Chrif frees us from the thraldom of that fear. 4. Who are parta- kers of this bleffed Privilege. And then apply ir. I. The Scripture gives an ac- count of Death's entrance into the World, in a three-fold re fpea. 1. As thedefertt ofSin. i. As the Effie& of the divine Decree. 3. As the Sentence of theLaw. 1. As the Defert of Sin. The firf defign of the Creator was his own Glory in conjunaion with the happinefs of Man. He was

upon DEATH. was made accordingly Holy in perfetion, placed in Paradife, and his date all the Ingredients of Felicity proper to his Nature. He was capablelof dying, as fad experience proves, yet no Accident from without, no Diftemper from within had impair'd his vigour, and made him atually fubje& to Death without fin. Villa innocent he was immortal, not from ever- lafting Principles of Nature, but by Divine Prefervation, ofwhich theTreeof Life was the ordain- 'ed Means and facramental Pledg. For God unchangably loves his own Image : and tho by his So- vereignty and abfolute Power hemayrefume the Beinghe gives, yet his Goodnefs and Covenant were a facred affurance that Man's happy Life ihould run parallel with his perfeverance inhis Duty. This

14 S E MO NS This Immortality was not the iingular privilege of /darn's Per- fon, but had been the Inheritance . of all his Progeny. But he foón revolting from his jufR Obedi- ence, of Immortal beçame Mor- tal, and according to the original efhabiifhment of Propagation, tranfmitted his Nature with the guilt and poifon of Sin to all his 12. Pofferity. Thus by one Man Sin entered into the World, and Death by Sin, and fo Death paffed upon all Men, for that all have finned. As his Obedience had been reward- ed, fo his Rebellion is punifht in all that naturally defcend from hire. Frain hence it is, that fo numerous a part of Man-kind are cut off before the commiíhor of aftual Sin. Death enters into the Forge of Life, and deftroys the Conception that newly began to live. And what is more righ-

upon DE AT x. t 5 teous than that Man when he dif- obeyed the Author of Life, íhould forfeit his Life and Blef- fe"dnefs. The Soul voluntarily loft the fpiritual Life by forfak- ing God, therefore unwillingly lofes the natural Life by expul- fon from the Body. The Apo- file declares, the Wages of Sin is Death, not only that of the Bo- dy, but the Death of the Soul, which is a dreadful Concomitant of it. And from hence we may difcover the falfe Philofophy of the wifeil Heathens in their Opi- hion of Death. They `judged it to be the primary neceflity and condition of Nature, fixt by ir- refìffible Fate : and not under- !landing the true and jufl real-on of its coming into the World, they could not apply a. fufficient Remedy againfl its Evil. 2. As Anima vo- lens perdi- dit vivere, nolens er- go perdat & vivifica- re. Rom.6.23. Hac lege intrave- rant, ut ex- irent. Senec.

Y6 SERM0N,S Ecclef:1.4. 2. As the Effe& of the divine Decree refpeting Sin. This is difcovered by revelation in the Word of God, and by the real executionof it.It is appointed toMen once to die. This Decree is uni- verfal and unrepealable. One Ge- neration paeth away, and another Generation cometh : like theebbing and flowing of the Sea in its fa- tedPeriods. Nothingcan inter- rupt or fruffrate this appointments here are divers Conditions of Men, and various ways of living in the World ; fome are high in Dignity, others are level with the Earth : fome walk in a Carpet- way fmooth and eafy, others in a thorny and troublefom : fome walk on thegolden Sands, others on the Mire : but the fame un- controulable necety Of dying involves all. Andwhat-ever the way be, whether pleafant or doleful

upon DEATH. doleful, yet every one palles in it with equal fteps, meafured by the fame invariable fpaces of Hours and Days, and arrive at the fame common end ofLife. Thole whoare regarded as via- ble Deities amongli Men, that can by their Breath raite the Low, and deprefs the Lofty, that have the Lives of millions in their Power, yet when the ordained time is come, as they cannot bribe the accufng Con (cience for a minutes f lence, fo neither delay Death. 1 have [aid ye are Goda, but ye (hall die like Ten. 3. Death is to be confìdered as the Sentence of the Law. The reafonable Creature was made under a Law the Rule of his Aftiáns. The moral Law di- retied him how to continue. in his holy and bleifed State : To Which was annext the Precept of C not

S E R, Nl 0 N S not eating of the Tree of Know- ledg of Good and Evil, only as a mark of his Subjection, and. for the trial of his Obediendé. This Precept had an infallible fandtion by the mofl high Law- giver : In the day thou eateft thereof, thou 'halt die' the death. Man did not keep this Command of fo eafy obfervation, and juftly in- curr'd its doom. As Sin is the violation of the Law, fo Death is the violation of the Sinner in his Nature and Felicity retorted tronn the Law. The deaths of Men are very' different in their kinds;, and are comprifed in. thewords of David concerning Saul ; The Lord pall finite him, or his Day 112(111 6m to die, or he J'hail defcend into the' hat- tel; and peril/7. Sometimes they are cut of by the immediate fla- minghand of God, for the more exemplary

uporì D t A T H. exemplary revenge ofSin; fOrne- times by furprifing Accidents .fometimes by bloody Cóóntenti- o.ris ; fometimes by confzming Difeafes. But tho' Death be hot uniform, yet 'tis always the exe- Cution of the Law upon Offen- ders. As of thofe who aré con- demned by Humane Juf+ice, force fuffer a more eafy arid ho pourable Death, others a more difgraceful and torturing, forne are Beheaded, others are Cruci.L fled, yet all die as Malefa&ors. Thus force die a natural Death; others a. violent, foreby a gentle preparing ficknefs without res ration, others die upon the Rack by harp pairs : fame die Attended with their Friends, and all fupplies to fweeten their Pa(f. fage, others forfak en of all Core forters yet Death is the fame Seritence of the LAW upon all

'2,o S E P TON S Men. And this ifduly confi- dered, makes it terrible in what- ever fhape it appears. I(. The next thing to be con- fidered is, What the fear ofDeath includes, and the bondage that is confequent to it. This I íhall explain and amplify, by coni- dering four things. I. The nature ofFear in ge- neral, as applicable to the pre- rent Subjea-. 2. The particular Caufes that render Death fo fearful. 3. The degreeof this Fear ex,. prell by Bondage. 4. flow it comes to pais that Men are not always under the actual fear of Death, but fubjea to the Revolutions of it all their lives. t . 1 will confider the-. nature ofFearin general,as applicable to the prefent Subje t. Fear

upon DEATH. 2I Fear is a pailion implanted in Nature, that caufes a flight from . an approaching Eye. Three things are requifite to qualify the Objet and make it fearful. (i .) The Evil Irma be appre- hended. Knol,vledg, or at leaf fufpicion, excites Fear, by repre- fenting an Evil that is likely to feize upon us. "Till the mind difcern the danger, the pallions areunmoved : and imaginary E-- vils by the mere apprehenfion, are as frongly fear'd as real. (2.) The Evil muff be future. For the naked theoryof the molt pernicious Evil does not wound' theSoul, but the apprehenfion of falling under it. If reafon can open an expedient to prevent an Evil, this Paton is quiet. And Fear precilely regards its Obje i as to come. Prefent Evils in- duce grief and forrow paf C 3 Evils

2 2- S EP\MONS Evils by refleaion affed with joy, and give a quicker relifh to preterit felicity. Approaching Evils alarm us with fear. (3.) The Evil mull be appre- hended as prevalent to make it fearful. For if by companion we find our firengen fuperior, we .either neglea the Evil for its le- Vity, or determine to encounter it ; and refiftance is the proper effect of Anger, not of Fear. But when an impendent Evil is toohard for us, the Soul {brinks and recoils from it. .NoviT all thefe Qaalifications' that make an Obje& fearful con- Cur in Death. i. 'Tis an Evil univerfally known. 1 he frequent Funerals are a real dernonfiration that Beaks fenfibly to our Eyes, that Death reigns in theWorld. 'Tis certainly future. All tbT

upon DEATH, Z the wretched Accidents of this Life, fuch as concern us in our .Perfons, Relations, Effates, and ÌnLeref$s , a thoufand Difaflers that a jealous Fear and a6tive Fan- cy will extend and amplify ; as they may, fo they may not hap- pen to us. And from this mix- ture of contrary poiibilities, from the uncertainty of event, Hope that is an infinuating pad- onmixes with Fear, and derives Comfort. For as fometimes a a fuddain Evil furprifes not fore- thought of, fo often the Evil that 'was fadly expel` ed, never comes to pafs.but what Man is he that lives, Pfa1.89.4. and Jhall not fee Death ? Who is fo vain as to pleafe himfelf with an imagination ofImmortality here ? 3. 'Tis a prevalent Evil, from hence the proverbial Expref- fion, Strong as Death that fubdues cant. s. 8. all, cruel as the grave that f ares C 4 710116

S E 1P.ß, M O N S none. 'Tis in vain to firuggle with the pangs of Death. No Simples in Nature, noComp(); litions of Art, no Influence bf the Stars, no Power ofAngels, can fupport the dying Body, or retain the flitting soul. There is no Man bath power over the Spirit 0. to retain the Spirit ; neither bath be power in the day of Death : and there is no di fchar&e in that War. The Body finks in the Conflit, and Death feeds on its proJrate prey in the Grave. 2. I Than confider more par- ticularly the Caufes that render' Death fo fearful to Men. i. In the apprehenfion of Nature. 2.. In the apprehenfion of Con fcience 1. In the apprehenfion of N ture,Death hath this Name en- graven in its forehead,Uitimum ter- ïib lii fin, the fupreme of terrible 11!ngs, Upon feyeral accounts. Bey

upon D E A T.H. 1. Eecaufe dually ficknefs and pains languifbing or for-. . menting, make the fira changes iri the Body,and the natural Death is violent. This .Hektkiah com- plained of with a mournful ac- cent, He will .cut me :ç with- pi - Ifa. 38: ping ffcknefs : from day even to night thou wilt make an end of me. I reckoned till morning, that a a Lion, f o will he break all my Bones. A Troop of Difeafes are the fore- runners of this Ding of Terrors. There is a preceding encounter, and fometimes very fierce, that Nature feels the cruel Victory before it yields to this Enemy. As a Ship that is loft by a mighty tennpef+, and by the comuíhon of the Winds and Waves loíes its Rudder and Mails, takes in water in every part, and gradually finks into the Ocean So in the 0.1ipwrack of Nature, the Body is

26 SEXM'010ZS is fo íhaken and weakened by theviolence of a Difeafe, that the fenfes, the animal and vital Ope; rations decline, and at laR are ex- ftinguilh.'d in death. i. Death confidered in the ftri&eíß propriety, as def1rutive of the natural being, that is our firif and moil valuable good in the order of Nature, is the jufi obje& of Fear. The union be- tween Soul and Body is very in- timate and dear, and like ]David and Jonathan they part unwilling- ly. Nature has a (hare in the beRMen, and works as Nature St. (Paul declares, we would not be uncloatl,ed, not finally put off the Body, but have it glorified in conjunction with the Soul. Our bleffedSaviour, without the leali impeachment of the Retitude and perfection of his Nature, expreRR an averfnefs fromDeath, and

upon DEATH 27 and with fubmiffon to the divine Will defired a freedom from it. J-lis A e Lions were holyand hu- rriane, and moved according to the qualityof their Objeas. 3. The natural confequents of Death render it fearful. Life is the foundation of all natural en- joyments, and the lofs of it in- duces the lofs ofall for ever. 'Tis from hence that filch Evils that are confìftent withLife, and de- prive us only of force particular content and pleafure, arewilling- ly chofen rather than Death. The forfeiture of Efate, the de- grading from honour, the con- finement to a perpetual Prifon,the banifhing from our nativeCountry, are lets Penalties than Death. There is a natural love of Society in Man, and Death re- moves from all. The Grave is a frightful folitude. There is no

1S SERMONS Ifa. Dies mori- tur in no- étem, & te- nebris uf- quequaque fepelitur ; funeftatur mundi ho- nor, omnis fabítantia denigratur, fordent, fr- lent,ftupent cuncta; ubi- que urn eft. Ter- tul. de Re- furrec. Car. noconverfation in the territories of darknefs. This alfo Hezekiah in his apprehenfions of death fpeaks of with tears. I (hall Jêe 14lan no more in the Land of the Living. As in the Night, the World is an univerfal Grave, ,all things are in a dead filence ; Pa- laces, Courts of luflice, Tem- ples, Theaters, Schools, and all places of publick Converfatiori are ft-tut up : the noife and ru- mour that keeps Men in continual obfervation and anion ceafes. Thus when the Sun of this pre- fent Life is fer, all the Affairs and` Bufi zefs, all the vain joys of Company, Feafting, Dancing, Mufick, Gaming, ceafes. Every one among the Dead is confined to his fealed obfcure Cell, and is alone an entertainment for the Worms. The

upon D EAT H. The Pfalmiji faith of Princes, Their breathoeth forth, they return to the Earth, in that very day their 'thoughts, their glorious compaf- fing thoughts, perifh. This the Hiftorian obferves was verified in ultus °far : After his aiTuniing the Imperial Dignity, he thought to reduce the numerous Laws of the Romans into a few Volumes, comprifing the fitbftance and rea- fon of all ; to enrich and adorn the City of Dome, as was becom- ing the Regent of the World : to epitomife the Works of the moft learned grecians and Romans for the publick Benefit.. And whilft he was defigning and pur cuing thefe, and other vaft and noble things, Death furprifed him, andbroke off all his Enter- prifes. At the terribleGate that opens into Eternity, Men are ftrìpt of all 29 Taliaagen- tzrn atque meditan- t.:m mors prævenit. Sucton.

.s?'fal, 49 16; l'7. S E (it MONS all their Honours and Treafures, and as naked as they come into the World,go out of it. Be not thou afraid when one is made rich, when the glo'r'y of his Route is encreafed. For when he dieth, he (hall carry nothing away; his glory (hall not defcend after him. Death equally vilifies, makes Ioathfom and ghaílly the Bodies of Men, and reduces tI.em to fordid Duít. In the Grave the * dull is as precious and powerful of one as of another. Civil di1}in Lions are limited to the prefent time. The prodigious Statue in Nebuchadnea, ?tear's Vlflon, Dan. 2. 323 3 3, 34, 3 5. whip it was upright, the parts were re- ally and vifibly diírina : 7he head was of fine gold, the brew and arms o ffileer, the belly and thighs ofbrat9; thß As our Divine Poet exprefres it. The brags of Life are but a nine days wonder ; And after Death the fumes that fi ring, From privateBodies make as big a thunder, As thofe that rife from a huge King. Herbert.

upon DEATH. the legs of iron, the feet part of iron and part of clay : but when the fone .cut out without hands, )(mote the Image upon the feet, then was the iron, the clay, the brat, the f lìer, and the bold, broken to pieces together, and became like the Chaff the wind carries away. Who can dif-linguifh be- tween Royal Duff taken out of magnificent Tombs, and Plebean Duff from common Graves ? Who can knowwlio were Rich, and who were Poor ; who had power and command, who were Vafials, who were remarkable by Fame, who by Infamy ? They 2 Kings 9. 'hall not fay this f ezebel : not `37` know this was the Daughter and Wife of a King. The King of Babylon, foiled Lucifer the bright Star of the Morning, that pofiell the firfI Empire in the World,was degraded by Death, humbled to the Grave, and exchanged all his glorious

Ifa. I 4. I Heb. 9. z íSEXM©kS glorious State for Worms and Putrefahion, The Worm is dread under thee, and the Worms cover thee. In fhort, Death feparates Meñ from all their admired charming Vanities. 2 . beath is fearful in the ap- prehenfìon of Confcience, as 'cis the moil fenfible mark of God's Wrath, that is heavier than Death, and a f ummons to give an ac- count of all things done in this Life, to the righteous Judg of the World. 'T is appointed to all Men once to die, and afterward the 3udgnent. The Penal Fear i3 more wounding to the Spirit, than the Natural. When the a- wakened Sinner quietly expels the Citation to appear before the Tribunal above, where no ex- cures, no fupplications, no pri- vileges avail, where his caufe of Eternal Life or Death mufl be decided,

upon DE A T H. 3 3 decided, and the awards of ju° flice be immediately executed -O the Cónvulfìons and Agdnies of Confcience in that hour ! \; ,Thent the dilealed Body cannot live, and the difeonColate Soul dare not die, what Anxieties Currouñd it ? This redoubles the terrors of Death, that the firfl!r trans ñits to the fecund that was figur 'd by it. O the difnial aIpet of Death riding on a pale Horfe, with Hell the black Attendant following. Tbis Fear furprifed the Sinners in Sion Who among us can dived with de1,6ti- Fire ? who among ais can reniai4 with everlafling burning.i ? This made a Heathen, the Governor of a Province, to trenble before a poor PriConer. While Paul dJ1 curled of l ighteou fñe/'s Tempe- rance, and jtí4gìnent to come, P= lix trembled. 1is a fearful thing. to fail into thé hands of the liviro D god, Ads zq<, z Heb. ÉO:3t;

S E q .M O N S god, who lives for ever, and can j t ni`bfor ever. None is fo power- ful as God, nothing fo fearful as. the guilty Confciénce. 3. The degrees of this Fear is expreff by Bondage. .[ his Paf- lion when regular . in its Object and Degree is excellently ufeful : 'Lis a wife Counfellor and faithful Guardian, that plucks off the Mask from our Enemies, and keeps Reafon vigilant and alive to prevent a tljreatning Evil, or to lùffain it in the belt manner. Fis oblèrvable in the brute Crea- tures, that the weak and fearful; aremoll: fubtile and ingenious to fecure themfelves and fupply the Want of ftrength with arti- fice. But when Fear is inordi- nate, 'tis a tyrannous Mailer, that vexes the weary Soul, and hinders its free and noble Operations. Cfpr cho e rather to be expos'd iu to

upon DEATH. to fuddain death, than td be con- tinually harrafí with fears how to ¡void it. The Greek word im- plies the binding of the Spirit, that causes an inward fiavery. And in the Apoftles Writings, il the Spirit of Fear, and the Spirit of 13onda&e, are equivalent. 1j72bo- 'beth, when Abner provok'd by the Charge about Sara's Concu bine, imperioufly threatned to tranflate the Kingdom to La 'id was struck with filch a fear, that he could not anifwer Abner a 'word, i Sam. 3 . Y o, t . The fuddain âon {rued his replie, and re- duc'd him to a defencelefs fflenceo Now the fear of Death, as 'tis remn's or vehement, fuck are the degrees of bondage from ir. i . It embitters the enjoyments of the prefent Life, and makes the profperdus in the World, Omit in the fulnefs of theit° D fuffrciencj 35 Præflat fe- rric! mori quarr fèm- per timere ¿ s from

,ECCIe f , I 1.7. SEXY" ONS fay f feciency to be in )(traits. Tho' the fenfes are pleated with the quick fweetnefs of Change from one Objet to another, yet the Soiil cannot have a delightful undi- fIurbed fruition, forefeeing that the Bream of Pleafure will iffue into the dead Sea. 'Truly Light is f u'eet, and 'tis a pleafant thing to be- hold the Sun. Iut how fhort is this Life with all its pleafures, in coniparifon of the days of darknefs' that follow. Now tho' 'tis our belt wildom and trueft liberty; to rejoice in this World, as if we re- joced not, and frequently to me= dicate on the cooling Dodrìnes of Death and judgment, to reprefs the tranfports of the voluptuous` appetite ; yet fince the Comforts of this Life are liberally indul- ged to us by the Love of God, to he the motives of our grateful and affectionate Obedience, to fweeten

upon DEATH. 1 37 fweeten our pailage to Heaven, we may with tranquillityof Spi- rit make a pure and chearful ule of them in his fervice ; and 'tis an opprefìng bondage,when the di[ quieting anxious fears of death hinders our temperate enjoy- ment ofhis Favours andBleifings. 2. 1 he fear of Death oppreiles the Souls of Men under a mire- rable Bondage to the Devil ; for his Dominion is maintain'd by the Allurements and Terrors of the World.ThoMendo not explicitly acknowledg his Soveraigncy, yet by voluntary yielding to his plea- ting temptations, they are really his Slaves. And the apprehen- fonof temporal Evils, ef$ecial ly of Death, dreft up in a fright- ful repretentation, with its bloo- dy pomp, is the tlrongeí snare Pro.. , to the Soul. The faint-hearted prove falle-hearted in the time of D 3 trial

S E M O N S trial : For the tirnerous Spirit being wholly intent how to avoid the incurfion of a prefent Evil,. forgets or neglects what is indi. penfzbly to be done, and thinks to find an excufe in the pretended necefhty. How many have been terrified from their clearef1 Duty, and refolved Conffancy ? To e- fcape Death, they have been gull- ty of the mofI infufferable im- pieties, by renouncingGod their Maker and Saviour,and woríhip- ping the Devils for Deities. E- very Age prefents fad fpeaacles o s6.zr, of many that (hie iniquity rather tTan affliction, that relinquifh their duty, and by wicked complian- ces fave their Lives and lole their Souls. Carnal Delires, and Carnal Fears, are the Chains of Hell that retain Men Satan's Cap- tives. But what folly what madnefs is it, for the avoiding the'

upon DEATH. 3 9 the impotent fury of the Crea- ture, to venture on the powerful wrath ofGod, that exceeds all the terrors that can, be conceived by fear.This renders themmore brui- tiíh than the Horfe,that frarting at his Shadow, fprings over a defile- rate Precipice.Thefearful are exclu- ded from Heaven, and cafe into the Lake of Fire and brimffone for ever. 3. The extream fear of Death and judgment, dejets and dii- courages the Soul from theufe of means to prevent eternal mi(ery, and induces a moi$ woful Bon- dage. Fear anticipates and ex- afperates future Evils : for as knowledg excites fear, fo fear encreafes knowledg, by the un- ceffant working of the thoughts upon terrible Ol jens. The fear- ful mind aggravates the forefeen Evil, and difrils the Poifon from all the circuml$ances and coule- L) 4 quen- REv. z a.

SEMONS quences of ir. And when the Evil is apprehended as iniupera- ble and indeclinable, all endea-. scam. yours to efcape are cut ofd Wh"a.t maimfine a Philolopher oblerves of an maim etfitgio. 1arthquake,cornpared withother deftrutive Evils, is true in this cafe. There may be a fate re- treat from Fire, from Inundati- ons, from Storms, from War, from Peflilence, but an Earth- quake affonif ies with fo violent a perturbation that flops our "nkrflight from the imminent dan er. pércii- o 4it So the vehement impre,ons of fear from the approaches of death, and the revere executions - upon the Sinner after it, diffraas the mind,' and difables from fyy, In from,' the Wrath to come. There . Fears are' more heavy by the rug- geffions of Satan, who reprefents hod fo terrible in his Majefty; inexorable in his Jufice and dread-

upon DEATu. dreadful to Death, that all hopes of obtaining his favour are loft. .As the Egyptian DarkneJs was not nieerly from the abfence of the Sun, but from feculent Vapours condenfing the Air, that it might be felt. So there dark and fear- ful expeaations of the Divine Wrath, are not only from the withdrawing the Light of God's Countenance , but from the Prince of Darl-,nefs that foul Spirit. And as we read of the Eg)ptians, that no Man arofe from his place for three days, as if they .had been buried in that darknefs, and deprived of all aClive power and motion : fo the defpairing Soul fits down mourning at the Gates of Death, totally disabled from profecuting the Things that belong to its peace.'Tis Hope in- fpires and warms uswith alacrity, encourages our Endeavours, Deg fpair

41 SEMONS fpair is without edg and induff.ry. TheSoul fullers the hardef+ Bon- dage, and the condition is ìnex-. preifibly fad under the tyranfiy. of this Fear. O how enthral- led, how defolately miferable for defpair doth meritorioufly and effe&wally ruin the Soul. For whereas there is no Attribute more Divine, no clearer Notion of the Deity than Love and Mer- cy ; this Paton difparages his Mercy, as if Sin were more om- nipotent, than his Power to par- don ; and all the Tears that flow from it, are fo far from expiating,. that they encreafe Guilt : and whereas the believing view of Chrifit would as compleatly and prefently recover the Soul-woun- ded Sinner, as the Ifaelites were by looking to the ordained vif -. ble Signof their Salvation ; De- lp-air turns away the Eye from our

upon D E A r our Deliverer, and fixes it upon mifery as remedilefs and final. 4. j1ow comes it to pals that *Men are not always under the aaual fear of Death, but fubje& to the revolutions of it all their Lives. The Seeds of this Fear,are hid in the guilty Breads of Men, and at times, efpecially in their Calami- ties, break forth and kindle upon them. In their leifure and Retire- ment, intercurrent thoughts of Death and Judgment fling them by sits, and make them uneafy. The flaibes of Confcience, like mo- ments of Lightning, llartle them, but they relapfe into their habitual flupidity. And the account of it will be clear, by confidering the following Particulars. . Men are apt to flatter them- felves with the hopes of long Life, and look upon Death at a great 43

44 SEXMQNS great diílance. Tho' there be a dying difpofition in the youngefl and flrongefl Perfons, rho' wç . live in a world of Cafualties, andDeath lie in ambufh to fur- prize us every day, yet we are lècure : becaufe Evils aWet us according to their apprehended nearnefs. A Petty Confrable that is troublefom and vexatious, is more fear'd by his Neighbours, than the GrandSignior with all his Executioners. As remote Obje&s, though of vafl bignefs, are leffen'd to our fight ; fo through the fuppofed interval of many years,Death is lookt on with a diminution of its Terror. But when Death prefents it felf be- fore Men ready todifpatch them, how formidable is its appearance 1. Saul tho renouned for his Valour, yet when he underflood by :Re,- velation, that tomorrow he and his

14pon DEA-r. 45 his Sons íhould be in the fiate of the dead, there was no f lrength in j Sam. 28, lzim,but he fell flraight way all along on the Earth ; ftruck through with fear before he was wounded by theArrows, of the Philiflins. De1- fhazzar in the miduof his luxury and jolity,attended witha thoufand 1n.Y,ß, Lords, and his herd ofconcubines, in- 34 flam'd with Wine, and therefore lets capableof fear, ,yet upon the fight of the fatal Hand writing on the Wall a tew unknown Cha- ra±ers, which his guilty Con- fcience ( before the Prophet Da- niel came) interpreted to be the fentenceof prefent Death, How fearfully was his Countenance changed pale as a Carcafs ? How fuddainly did his Blood congeal, and his warmeu cluickefl Spirits die in his Heart ? His whole Bo- dy was feized by fuch a vehement. trembling, that his joints were loafed,

4 b 1S ER ttil 0N, S loofed, and his knees (mote one againft another. This is a repre- fentation of thofe who bid deh ance to Death at a diflance ; but when the fatal Hour is corne, and they hear the Sentence decreed a- gainfl them , yod hajs numbred thy days, and fini/h'd them: thou art weighed in the ballante. (all thywords and A&ions, thy Thoughts and Affetions) andart found wanting : and thy Soul Ball he divided from thy Body, the one fent to Hell to fufer the undying Worm of Confcience, the other to the Grave,tobe a prey to the Worms` of Corruption ; how are they overcome with horror z. Thecontinual fucceflion of the Pleasures and Eufnefs of the Worlddivert the mind from the attentive firong contemplation of Death, and the confequences of it. Penfive thoughts are un- welcorhe

upon D E ATH. 47 welcome, and we fludioufly en- deavour to cancel the memory of .filch thingsas Alin us. f is faid of the Wicked, that God is not all their thoughts : The confidera- tion of the Holy Infpenor and Judg of their Anions is torment- ing , therefore they fill their minds with earthly imaginations, to exclude the Divine Prefence. We read of thofe, who to put far away the evil day, chaunted __17,zos 6.3,4 to the found of the Viol, and drank Wine in Bowls. They are rock'd afleep with the motion of phan- - taflick Vanities. And fleep takes awayFear, but gives no fafety. 'Tis recorded of Marius, that af- efElian. ter his overthrow by Scylla, he was always in conf$ernation, as if he heard the found of the Trumpets, and the noire of the victorious Army purfuing him And his Fears were no longer quiet

8 SERMONS quiet than whil(I charm'd with Wine and Sleep. He therefore was continually drunk, that he- might forget Himfelf,his Enemy, and his Danger. Thus Men make a pittiful fhift to forget their lat- ter End : and whilfi they are fol- lowing either fecular Affairs, or fenfüal Pleafures, are unconcer- ned for what is to be hereafter. But this diverCon will shortly be at an end, for in their languifh- inghours, when the walled Body fails the carnal Mind, and fen- fual Delires fail the Man, then Confcience that fpoke with g- lowVoice before, is loud and ter- rible, and like the rigid Exaaor in the Parable , that took his Debtor by the throat, requires them to pay what they owe. 3. Some are fo hardned in In- fidelity, that the Powers of the World to come make no irnpref- flock

up0n DE AT H. 49 fonon their hearts. They mind but little, and are lefs affeded . with invifible things. They for- tify then-if-elves with grofs . thoughts, that the Spirit of Man vaniflies with his Breath, that Death is the end. of this Life, and not the beginning of another, and feed without fear. Place one in the mid{t of deftru:Etive Evils, but unfeen or not believed, and he is as fearlels 'as a blind Perfon walkingon the brink of a deep Hr. Indeed there are none lets diPrurbed with the terrors of 'Death, than theeminently good, or the extremely bad : for the one fort have a ble ffd hope that Death will be to them an en- tiance into Life, and live like the Angels, with a joy unkak- able and glorious. The others are s fenfual and lècure as the Beats that perifh, having extin- E guifh'd

Z Cor.5, I I. Heb. i r SE9, MONS guifh'd the fear of eternal future Evils, which is the proper pailion of reafón. TheApoffle declares,.. That knowing the terror of the Lord, we perfwade Men to be reconciled to him, before the feafon of Mercy be expir'd. But thofe whohave fup- preff thenatural Notions of Eter- nal Judgment, as they think it beneath their wifdom to be per fwaded by the Promifes of Hea- ven, f0 beneath their cOurage to be terrified with the threatnings of Hell, and triumph over the ruins of Confcience. But tho' wicked Infidels Elite theThreat" pings, they thall not efcape the Vengeance of God. We read of Noah, that being warnedof god of things not feen as yet, moved with fear, he prepared an Ark for the faving of his .Houfe. His Fear was the native iffue of his Faith. But the profane World,

upon DEATH. World, inwhom fence was pre- dominant, that defpifed the Ora- . ele, and trembled at no Tudg- ments but what were acting on the vifible Stage, they eat an drank, married, and were 'ier in marriage, till fwept away by the unfeared Inundatiónë We read that Lot being certified by an embally of Angels, that a Deluge of Fire would in a few hours pour down from Heaven upon Sodom, he moft earnefrly folicited his Sons-in-Law, Al*, depart out of this place, for the Lord will defiroy this City : but they en- tertained his compaonate ad- vice with derifion,, he fiemed to them az one that mocked, and were furprifed by thole fearful Flames that dilpatch'd them from a tem- poral Hell to that which is Eter- nal. Thus 'twas prophefied That in the laß digs there all 'come E, 2 Scofieri

SE2MoNS Scoffers, walking after their own lints, and laying, Where is the Pro- tnfe of his coining? But let them.. blalpheme and fcorn the moil fa- cred and terrible Truths, let them perpetuate their excels of riot, and wild Mirthwhile they live, Death will corne, and Judgment as fure as Death. III. I now come to Chewhow the Death of Chrifl frees us from the tormenting fear of Death. For the clearing this, we are to confider, that Sin, Satan, and Death, areEnemies in combina - tion againf$ Man in his mortal Clare ; and the deflrudive Power of Satan, and Death, is from Sin. When Man renounc'd his Crea- tour and natural Lord, he was judicially given up to Satan as the Executioner of Vengeance, and to the Power of Death. Such is

upon DEATH. 5 3 is the order, rather the confitfion in the World by Sins The Em,- pine of Satan and Death is built do the Ruins of our Innocence. Now the Son of God cane from his Throne in Heaven to deliver us : And whereas there are two ways of obtaining free- dom from captivity, either by Ranforn, or by Power and ReI- cue, in both refpeas our delive- rance from bondage, to there Capital Enemies, is aferibed to the Death of Chrifi. 'Tis called our Ranfom, and that in its aria Notion has a refpelt to Captivity. There is one God, and one Mediator between God and Man, the Man Chri ft 7efus : who gave himfelt a Ranforn for all. His Life was the full price of our Liberty and Salvation. God does not pardonfn, and releale from punifhment by a pure ab- V.3 folate

54 S EMONS z Pet.1.18. Fkl. 2. 8. folute a1 of his Will and Autho- rity, as a Creditor forgives a. Deb- tor; but in fuch a way as topre- ferve the Rights of Juflice late. Therefore when Manwas devoted to Death, our Redeemer exchang'd conditions with him, and offer'd up his precious Blood, as our Ransom to God, in the qua- lity of the King and Judg of all. Such was the dignity of his Per- fon, that the entire World, the Heavens and the Earth with all their Inhabitants, are of ids va- lue to him, than the bafeff Drofs to refined Gold. Such was the greatnefs of his Sufferings, in which the highefl degreeof Obe- dience, and the loweft degree of Humility were confpicuous, as to be a valuable Cornpenfation, to obtain eternal rP.eclernption for Nov

upon DEATH. 55 Nowwhen God the .fuprerne judg is fatisfied, Satan forfeits the right he had to torment us, and is deveRRed of his dominion over our Wills ; which tho' jug- ly permitted, was an uíurpation upon God's Right in Man that can never be extinguiíh'd. 'Tis faidby the Apoille, that our Sa- viour blotting out the hand writing of Col. 2. Ordinances that was again/I us, which was contrary to and took it out of the way, nailing it to bis Croft : He abolith'd the ufe of the Ceremo- nial Law, that was an Evidence and Enditement of their Guilt who performed it, and the Curie of the Moral Law : it follows, and having fpoiled Principalities and Powers, he made a Phew of them o- penly, triumphing over them in it. Our Saviour died vitorioufly ; the Tree of Infamy on which he fuffçred, was the Trophy of his E 4 Con-

'SE1,M0NS Coneluei . F-lis Death difarm'd Satanof his Weaponswhereby he fubdued us,Sin,the Law,andDeath;. for rho' his atual Triumph was in his R.efurreaion and Afcenfi_ on to Glory, yet it is juf+ly afcri- bed to his Death : for that meri- torioufly open'd the Grave at his P,ekirrecrtion, and Heaven at his Aicenfion. And by the way 'tis mofE worthy of obfervation, that our deliverance from our fpiritual and Moil deadly Enemies is equally righteous, as 'admirable and glo- rious : for our fuffering Saviour appeas'd the Wrath of God, and broke the Powers of Darknefs. Wijdonz and' Love of God had their deigns in his Death, as well a t e ìnrit'ice and rage of Satan,as Lines, that are oppojite in the circumference, meet in the Centre,

,upon D E A T H. 57 And as from the Tyranny of Satan, fo the Death of our Re- deemer is our redemption from 1Yeath, as to the cìirie and final dominion of it ; nay., has made it a blared advantage to us. i . The Curie is removed. Death considered as the Wages of Sin, is all fling and poifon, the confequent of the fpiritual Death, and ° the introduction to eternal Death. The fling ofDeath is Sin, I Cor.15. and the flrength of Sin is the Lacy. Death bath its wounding Power from Sin, and Sin from the Law, that forbids it, that difcovers its Nature, and enhanies the mea- lure of its Guilt, and denounces condemnation for it. Now our Saviour having in our (lead, fub- jetied himfelf to Death, the pe- nalty of the Law for Sin, There is no condemnation to thole that are in Oril jefits. Chrifi bath redeemed G4.3. us

impowin SErl'LMONS ars from the Curfe ë of the Law, being made a Curfe for to. Death in- flitted on theSaints, has not that relation to the guilt of Sin, as. to be properly fatisfadion to re- venging Juilice. There are no petty payments to be made by our Sufferings after his compleat fatisfation to God. The Lord if a. 53 laid on him the Iniquities of IA all. 'Tis indeed fill a declaration of God's holy difpleafure againft Sin, for that originally open'd the way of its coming into the World ; and fometimes by the immaturityor manner of it, 'tis a chaftifinent upon good Men for fin; that is, to make them re- new their Repentance, and mor- tify their carnal Afteaions that faflen them to the World. For tho' after theWI ad of expirati- on there is 'no place for Repen- tance ; yet in the approaches of Death,

14pon DEATH. Death, the Soul is ftrongly exci- ted by the Call of God to review its fzate, and make folemn pre- paration . to be found of him in Peace. But 'tis not in a aria fence the maledition of the Law,' and divine Revengeupon them. The Serpent is turn'd into a Rod of ,web. 12. Corre6tion in the hands of our Heavenly Father for their good. As the Apo(+le, ípeaking of forcie that for their profaning the Lord's Table, were fallen afleep, Cor.r0.33. adds, that when we are judg'd, we are chafened of the Lord, that we way not be condemned with the World. A Believer hall not be hurt of the Rev. 2. fecond Death. From hence it is, that in the Book of Life, the Scriptures, the death of the Saints is cal- I The, 414 led a fleep. St. Paul argues, If we believed that .¡efrzs died and rofe again ; even f o them afo that Jeep 59