Bates - BT825 B37 1683

The Epifile Dedicatory. the Flefh to refs in Hopes for Chrift is the Guardian of the Grave, has the Keys of Death, and will revive the Bodies of his Saints incòr- ruptible and immortal, the Copies of his own glorious 'Body. Madam, I fhall not attempt the celebratingyour Ladi(hips Vertues ,that render you a bright Ornament o fjour Sex, and more truly Honourable than your Noble Defcent and Alliance but direEt nay bet Vefires to God, that your Family may be a fingular and e- minent Example ofthe DivineFavour: that the fading Gloßof this World may not deceiveyou, but your Heart ma), be above whereyour Treafiire is; thatyou may live to God andsour Soul, for Heaven and Eternity. I am, Madam, Tour Honours very humble andfaithful Servant, WILLIAM BATES.