Bates - BT825 B37 1683

upon D EAT Ho 99 ring, is not common to all that are Chriflians in title, but is a pri- . viledge with a limitation There no Condemnation to dote that are in Chrif 7efus,vitally as their Head Rom- 8, L fromwhom are derived fpiritual influences, and judicially as their Advocate in Judgment ; and filch are defcribed by this infallible Character, who walk not after the Fle/h, but after the Spirit. The blet- fednefs after Death that is affured by a Voice fromHeaven, is with this precife refhridion, exclufve ofall others ble/fed are the Dead that die in the Lord ; they reftfrom kebe their labours, and their works follow them. The glorious Refiirredion at the IADay, when the Bodies of the Saints that now refl it Hope, ihall be incorruptible and immortal, is the confequence of union with hum Thus theApo,' file declares As in ,Edam ail die' fr