t o S E 1, A1 0 N S Joh.: 5.26. of Truth, the Spirit of HolineJ, the Rom. io 4 Comforter, and reprefented by va- rious types, by an Ointment that cla- . rifles the Fyffe to fie things aright, bÿ cleanfin refre/hirng r'kater, by puri- fjinl; refining Fire, correfpondent to his facred operations in the Soul. As the Spirit ofTruth, he illu- minates the Underftanding to fee, the reality and excellency of In- pernatural and heavenly things, of the great My aeries of Godli- nfs, of Eternal Glory ; fo that a ChriRian in his molt deliberate, folenin and conipofed thoughts, in his exaaeft valuation infinitely prefers them before the gaudy Vanities of this trament World. When the Seves of the Mind are nlightneci, prefent things rather difappear, as of Holinefs he re- news