12 2. SEXM®NS Evil, When one of them was threatned by the Emperor Anti. gonwwith prefent Death,he bold- ly replied, Threaten this toyour diffolute Courtiers that are foft- ned and melted by fenfual plea- fures, and eafily receptiveof ter- rible impreflions, not to a Philo- fopher to whom Death is con- temptible in any appearance.This was a piece of afeted Bravery, for Pagan Philofophy could ne- ver furnifh themwith Armor of Proofagainil the Dart of our laft Enemy. But the Gofpel affuring us that Death is an entrance into Immortality, makes that to be the realityof a Chriflian, that was a vain boaíf of the Philofophers. Now that we may be efla- blifh'd in that blefled Tranquil- lity that Death cannot difcom- pofe , the following Diretions are infinitelyufeful. t . We