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upon D E A 'r H. 1. We muff give all diligence to be in a frate of Reconciliation -with God. The things requifit to that are, as the Apoftle declares, repentance towards Çod, andFaith in AEt.20. 2 YQ the LordJeftoChrß. Repentance includes a Godly forrow for Sins part, with a detefration and for- faking them fincerely, without hypocrify, and entirely, without partiality in the heart and con- verlátion. 'Tis call'd 1Repentence Heb, ó, t, from dead works : the proper name of our Sins, that deferve eternal Death. By repentance we re- turn to Obedience. is due to God our Maker and Lawgiver. Faith refpeós the Redeemer,who byhis Blood íhed on the Crofs, and pleaded in Heaven,reconciles God to penitent Sinners. The be- lief ofhis merciful and powerful Mediation for our acceptance and Pardon, works by Lowe, and con- 2 Cor.5.14, ¡trains