S E M O N S and were as a Brand pluck'd out of the Fire, and the fear of Death being removed, all the pangs of Conscience, the religious AleCi- ons that were felt and expreft b P y themvanifh as themorning dew? Now converting Grace is diffin- guifh'd by its radication and effi- cacy, not only from themeer pre- tences of thole who know their own infincerity, but from the re- al workings of Confcience, and the imperfect dilpofitions togood that are in theUnrenewed. And thole perfbns who with the re- turn of Health have returned to' their Sins again, if they had died with their religious refolutions, would haveprefum'd that their re- pentance was unto Lire, andof their interefl in the divine Mercy. The Heart is deceitful above all things, and above all things deceitful to it felf. 6. Eut