.,.,._._._._.a..., 134 SERMONS or prefume upon that pardoning Mercy and oflàing G i. ace they {hall never obtain. We are com-, mandec to feek the Lord while bé may befound, a fad intiwwation that 'tis not in our power to find him to our comfort when we pleafe. He (pares long, but abu fed Pati- ence will deliver Sinners to re- venging lattice. Samp/on was three times in the Chamber ofhis Lull~ expofed to Treachery and efcap'd, but the fourth time he Paid, .1 will arifè, but was furpriz'd by his Enemies and loft his ftrength and fight and liberty. I I. doubt not that v fosne are wonder- fullyconverted and faved at 'aft, but thefe fpecial Mercies are like our Saviour's palling in the Way, and by his miraculous Virtue hea- ling the two blind perlons, when great numbers remaìn'd uncured. Weread a prodigious Rory in the nook