Bates - BT825 B37 1683

136 SEIAIUNS 2. The careful preferving our (elves from wilful prefurnptuous, Sins, is an happy means to ren- der Death comfortable to us. The Spirit Peals our Pardon and title to Heaven as the holySpirit, his Teflimony that we are the Children ofgod, andHeirs of Glory, is con- current with the renewed Con- fcience , and dif{ inguifh'd from the ignorant prefuniptions, blind conjectures, and carnal fecurity ofthe unholy. As thefanaifying Spirit he diffinguifhes true Chri- fiians from the lot} World,appro- priates them to God confirms their prefent interefl in the Pro- miles of the Gofpel, and their fu- ture hopes. Briefly, Grace is the molt fenfible effea and fign of God's fpecial Favour, the fruit of Eleecion, and the earneff of Glo- ry and the truthofGrace is moll clearly