Bates - BT825 B37 1683

140 SEUMONS Pelf, with the Glory which Ihad with thee before the World was. A Chri- f{ian that imitates and honours Chrifr, and withdiligence perfe- veres in weldoing, may with an humble confidence in the Divine Mercy exile& the promited re- ward. The reflation upon a wel- fpent life is joyn'd with a joyful profpet ofGod's Favour and ac- ceptance above. But the carelefs and remits, thole who are v. ilful- ly negligent of their Duty, how fearful is Death that fummons them to give an account oftheir Talents to theRighteous Lord ? 4. A holy indifference of af- fetion to prefent things, makes it eafie to part with them, and Death lets fearful to us. David, tho a King, declares he was a ftranget on Earth, not only with refpe± to his tranfient condition, but his inward difpofition; and that