flee enim eft infelici- tashominum, propter que peccant Mo- rientes his dimittunt, et ipfa pellata fecum por- tant. Aug. to lofe all his good things at once? for 'tis a Rule in Nature, What is pofleft with tranfporting Joy, is, loft with exceffive Sorrow. As the Ivy that twines fo clofely about theTree, and is intimately fail. ned by fo many roots as there are branches,cannot bepluck'd away without rending the Bark with it ; fo when the World, that was as it were incarnated with the Heart,is taken away, the Heart it lelf is grievoufly rent'by the vio- lent feparation. And the infeli- city of carnal and worldly per- fons is heavily aggravated, in that the guilt in procuring or abufing thole tr.eafures and delights that they leave here with fo great for- row,will cleave to them,andgive Tefhimony againft them before their Judg. But when the Aff`eai- ons are lode to theWorld, and fet upon Heaven, the feparating with