Bates - BT825 B37 1683

Y54 SEZMO11zS 1 of little Faith, wherefore didi thou doubt ? The laft lire is, to excite the Saints to die with that courage and chearfulnefs as becomes the Gofiel ofChrif. The encourage- ment of Jofhua to the Israelites againfl the Giants that terrified them from entring into the Land of Canaan, the type of Heaven, Be not afraid of them. , they- are Dread for to, we (hall obtain an eafy Conp & over them, is ap- plicable to this purpofe : do not fear Death the Enemy that in terpofes between us and the true Canaan ; for our Confli& (hall be the means of our Vi&ory , and triumphant pofeflionof the holy and bleffed Land above. This is veryhonourable to our Redee- mer, and recommends Godlinefs to the judgment, offetions, and prance