1 56 SEMONS and Dignity next to Pharoab in the Kingdomof EEypt.Thus when we fee the Garment ofMortality rent by Difeafes, we mourn for ". departed Saints, as if Death had abfolutelydeflroyed them, when their Souls are reigning in Glory. This immoderate Sorrow is an ,. 1eathenifh Pa{lion , fuitable to their ignorance of the future hap- py Hate, but very unbecoming the :plenary Affurance the Gofpel affords us of it. So for the Wic- ked to-diewith-fears and palpita- tions of heart, to be furrounded with impendent horrours, when Each a precipice and depthofmi- fery is before them, is very juft and reafonable ; but for the Saints to die uncomfortably under inor- dinate fears, is a difparagement to the Bte¡fed Hope eRRablifh'd up- on the revelation of Life and Imrnorta- lity by the yodmi. Now