6o SEXM©11jS. a bitternefs is Death that makes it unpleafant, and many holy Souls that defire the Glorious Li-. betty in Heaven, yet are loth to leave their Prifon. Now there are fo many Arguments tomake theSaints defirous of dying, that methinks fince Life is cheifly va- lued and dear to them, as it is the Way to Heaven, when they are come to that bleffedend,it thould not be longer defráble. What is this lower World that chains us fo fa{ ? 'Tis the Devil's circuit wher- in he ranges Peeking whom he may devour : 'Tis theTheater ofcon-. tentions : The low afpire to rife; the exalted fear to fall. The Poor envy theRich; and the Rich de- fpile the Poor. 'Tis a foreign Countrey to the Saints, and as Pilgrims and Strangers, they are liable to reproaches, injuries, and hard dealings from the Wicked, the