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upon D EAT H. the Ca lef}ial Paradice, tho we mutt pafs under the Angels Sword the ftroke of Death to come into his Prefence. He infinitely de ferves our love, for we owe our Salvation and Eternal Glory, to the merit of his Humiliation and the power of his Exaltation. With what earnefR affections did St. Paul defire to be di fpbed and to be with C'hrß f Love gave Wings of Fire to his Soul, ardent defiles mounting to Heaven. How va- liant were the Martyrs in expre1 fins acts of love to Chriit ? How . boldly did they encounter Death that interpos'd between them and the fight of his Glory ? their love was hotter than the Flames that coniumed them. They as willing- ly left their Bodies, as Elias let fall his Mantle, toa%end to Heaven, And how does it upbraid the coldnefs ofour love, that we are M z fo 163 Phil, I.