t68 SEXMONS finful fociety here, and his poffeU fng the Divine World ? Holy Souls are immediately tranfport: ed by the Angels toChrif, and by him prefented to his Father, without Riot or wrinkle, compleat in 'Jolineis , and prepared for Communion with him in Glory. Pow joyfully are they received into Heaven by our Saviour and the bleffed Spirits ? they are the rewardof his Sufferings, the pre- cious and dear purchafe of his Blood : The Angels that rejoice at the Converfion of a Sinner, much more at the Glorification of a Saint : and the Church of the Firfi-born who have before us enter'd into Glory, have a new accef ion of Joy , when their younger Brethren arrive to the undefiled immortal Inheritance. And is it not very becoming Be- lievers joyfully to afcend to the Seat