Bates - BT825 B37 1683

Zip072 DEATH. loft its fling. Death may terrify when it cannot hurt us. I doubt not but fome excellent Saints have been in anxieties to the lafR, till their Fears were di!pell'd by the atual fruition of leffednefs. As the Sun fometimes lets in dark Clouds , and fifes in .a glorious Hori,on. We reade our Eviden- ces for Heaven by the Light of God's Countenance : his Image is made vifible in our Souls by the illuliration of his Spirit : and he exercises 'Prerogative in the difpenfation of his Comforts. Tis pleafure to beflow extraordi nary Favours on force, and deny them to others that are as holy. But every Penitent Believer has jufl caufe of joy in Death : for jefus Chrifl has reconciled God, deflroyed Satan, and conquered Death : and the Taft day of his Life is the flrfl ofhis Glory. 171