Bates - BT825 B37 1683

upon Eternal 7uddrnent. and difhonourable, their own Pallions and Vices. They ado- ,xed their own vain Imaginations. The Idols of their Hearts were ereaed on their . Altars. menus was a Goddef6, becaufe impure Love reigned in their Brems. Bacchus had Religious Rites, be- caufe fenlual Pleafures as fweet as Wine intoxicated their Spirits. TheCe Errors, as grols as impi- ous, were univerfal: the Philo- fophers themlelves were not ex.- empted from the Contagion. The Apoffle therefore makes Life of the cleared Arguments, to give Authority to the plain con - fpiring Voice of Nature,that had fo long in vain recall'd them from Idolatry to the Worlhip of the only true God. He therefore de- clares, that the Divine Maker of all things, the Father of Spirits, Yer could not be reprefented 'by corporeal A a 3 and