Bates - BT825 B37 1683

s RMONs and corruptible things, but was to be acknowledg'd and ador'd in a manner becoming his fpiritual and infinite Perfections. That he made allNations of one Blood, tho' diftinguifh'd in their Habitations and Times, that they might leek and lerve the one unieerial Crea- tor. And though the Pagan World for manyAges had lived in an unnatural Oblivion of God, and he feem'd unconcerned for their violation of his Laws, yet it was not from the defect of Ju- ffice, but the direction of his Wifdom, that his Patience was- fo long extended to them. And this he proves by the new and mofi express declaration of his Will : But now be commanded, all Men eery where to repent ; becaufe he bath appointed a clay, in which he will judg the World in hteoufnef by the Mari whom be bath ordained whereof