IOC, S MONS to their Eletion and Content. The Pfalmii$ calls to the Hea- thens, Know ye that the Lord is.. God : that is, the moll glorious Being, and abfolute Sovereign .; for it is be that made ws, and not we our Pelves. He formed all things by his Almighty Goodnefs, and is King by Creation, 2. The two principal and ne- ceffary parts of his Soveraignty are, to give Laws for the ruling of his Subje&s, and to'pafs final Judgment upon them for their Obedience or Difconformity to his Precepts.Mere natural Agents are regulated by a wife elhablifh- anent, that is the Law of their Creation. The Sun and Stars are moved according to the juif Points of their Compafs. The Angels are under a Law in Hea- ven, and obey bis Commandments. The Humane Nature of Chrilf though