Bates - BT825 B37 1683

- -1 ven. 'Tis observable that God has revealed the Times precifely wherein forme great Events fhould come to pal's : after how many Years the . fraelites fhould be freed from Egyptian Bon- dage : after what apace of Time they fhould be rePored from the Captivity of Babylon : when the Ile jfiah should die for the expia- tion of Sin : but there is node- fignation by certain Charac`ers of the particular Day, nor Year, nor Age, in any Prophecy of our Saviour's coming to Judg- hient. And of this an Account may be given. I he ípecial End of thofe Pr.edicions was, that thole who lived to fee their ac- compli[h.ment, notwithPtanding the feeming Impoflìbilities,might believe the Truth and Power of God to fulfil the Revelation of hisPurpofes for the time to come. 13b3 But