Bates - BT825 B37 1683

zz SBMO.NS But at the lafl Day, all the Pro- mifes and Threatnings will be fulfilled, nothing will remain to be the Obje&of Faith, and con fequently it was fuperfluous to declare the certain Time, fince the exa& accomplifhment of it according to the predition, will neither be ufeful to confirmBe- lievers or convert Infidels. Laffly, The Refurreaion of Jefus ChrifR is the moll convin- cing and commanding Evidence of this Doctrine, that he íhall judg the World. For he was charged with Blafphemy de: ferving of Death for this Tefti Maro2.6.64, mony : I fay unto you, hereafter 65. (hall you fee the Son of Man fitting on the right band of Power, and coming in the clouds of .Leaven. He dedicated Martyrdom in hisown Sufferings. NowGod in raifing him from the Dead, confirmed the