Bates - BT825 B37 1683

upon Eternal judgment. the truth of his Teífimony by that vifible Miracle, and the be- .lief of it converted the World to hriftianity. I will now proceed to illur ftrate and prove the main Point, which is this 9 That God will judg the World in ighteoufneJ? by 3efws Chrift. The Mediator, who {hall be Judg in the Union of both Na- tures, confidered as the Son of God,is eílentiallyHoly andRigh- teous, and confidered as the Son of Man, was holy, harmle[s, un- defiled, and karate from Sinners. In him all Verrues fhin'd in their abfolute Purity : and who is fo worthy and qualified to reward Holiness and puni{hWickedneFs, as the holy one of god ? 'T s faid of B b 4 him