14 S E MO N S Help. I. him,. Thouhaft loved i hteóùfnefs, and hated iniquity, therefore t1y God bath' anointed thee with Oil of glad-. nefs above thy Fellows : Confecrated him to the Regal Office, and en- rich'd his humane Nature with Endowments fuitable to it. 'Twas prophefied of him, The 34o Spirit of the Lord 'hall rffl upon him, the Spirit of Wäfdom and Un- derfanding, the Spirit of Counfel and Might, theSpirit of IÇnowlecg, and of the Fear of the Lord and Jhall make him of quick underfianding in the Fear of the Lord, and He fhall not judg after the fight of his byes, neither reprove after the hearing of his Fars. But with ghteoufnefs (hall he judg the Poor, and reprove with Equity. Humane Judgments are often unrighteous from vici- ous Retpets and Affe6tions that pervert theWill, or fair Appear- ances that deceive the Under- anding 5.: