Bates - BT825 B37 1683

upon Eternal judgment. fianding : by Gifts or Guile, In- nocence is cari, and Guilt acquit- .,ted : but the Judg of the World is inflexible to partiality, and all things are entirely open to his fight. In the Mt of Judgment he is re- prefented fitting on a white Throne, Rev.2o. I . the emblem of unfpotted nefs. The Righteoufnefs of God's Judicial Proceedings will appear by cenfidering three things. 1. The Equity of his Law the Rule of thegreat and final Judg- ment. z. The Evidence of the Fads and Matter, which íhall be pro- duc'd as the Reafon of the Judg- ment. 33. 7 he impartiality of the Sentence. T. The