.6 sEXMoNs i . The Equity of the Law which íhall be the Rule of the laíf Judgment. This will ap- pear by confidering the Law of Nature, and the Lawof Faith, in their Precepts and Penalties, annext toenforce the oblervation of them. 1. The Law of Nature,which is the Rule of Man's Duty, will be the Rule of Judgment : for without the Law there is no Tranf- ,reffion ; and confequently a Per- Ion is unaccountable for his A&i- ons. This Law is compofed of fuchRules as are moll becoming the wife and gracious Creator to give, and the reafonable Crea- ture to receive and obey : for they entirely agree and concen- ter in his Glory and the good of his Subjeas. The Apoílle a- dorns the Law with the molt