Bates - BT825 B37 1683

Pfl. I I 9. I 28. SEMONS equal. 'Tis good to Man that keeps it, commanding nothing but what is influential upon his.. well-beinghereand for ever. It does not infringe his true Free- dom, but allows him unfain'd Delights, and enjoyns what is proper to advance and fecure his Dignity, Felicity, and Perfeai- on. It forbids every thing that defiles and debafes him, and caufes a degeneration from his native excellency. If we pre- fcind in our thoughts the facred authority of the Law - giver, all the Precepts''oftheLaw for their moral Goodnefs, deferve our e- fr,:em and choice, and entire ob- fervation. The fandified Mind approves them univerfally. I efteem -all thy Precepts concerning all things to be right, faith holy Void. Nay, in the Wicked there is an intellectual affent to the good nefs