upon Eternal judgment. nefs of the Law, tho' the cor- rupt Will doth not embrace it : there are fome inclinations and wifhes to obey it, but controll'd by vicious defires. 'Tis Paid of the convincedSinner, Thou know- Rom.2.18. ell his Will, and approve the things that are more excellent. It may be objected, that the Law being pure, and Man in a frail hate, furrounded with innu- merable temptations, to require perfeCt obedience from him, and condemn him for his Failings, teems hard. The Law lays a rehraint upon all the Senfes, and forbids all flefhly Luhs ; this may be eafy to feparate Souls, but for Men to live in the Body, as if they were out of it, to be al- ways vigilant againh the infinua- tions or attaques of Sin, is impof fble. Thus the Carnal Mind is apt with fore colour, to traduce the