SE MONS the Righteoufnefs of God's Go- vernment. But it will be clear, lyvindicated, by confidering, i. TheLaw fuppofes Man in a ftate of integrity, furnifh'd- with fufcient Power to comply with every Precept, tho' free to fall from his Duty and Happi- nefs. To command abfolute Impoífibilities, is tyrannical, and utterly inconfiftent with the Na- ture of the Bleffed God. 2. The firf Man wilfully tranfgreff the Law, and loft his Holinefs : And Nature being poifon'd in the Fountain, is cor- rupt in all the defcendants from him. Mankind was juffly de- graded in rebellious Adam, and is deffitute of fpiritual ftrength to perform all that the Law re- quires. 3. This difability is vicious and culpable, and can be no pre-- tence