upon Eternal judgment. tence again& the Rights of the Law-giver. A natural difabili- y from the want of requifite Faults is a ju& excufe. 'Tis no Fault that a Man cannot flop the Sun as Jofhua did, nor calm a Tempe& as our Saviour did by his Word. But the difability that arifes from a depraved dif- pofition, renders a Perfon more guilty. And this is the prefent Cafe. The Will of Man is dif- obedient and perverfe, and as foon as it can exercife Elegy}ion, choofes Evil : aid by cu&om in 'Sinbecomes more hardened and ob&inate. And fromhence the Prophet charges the contumaci- ous Jews ; Behold their Ear is un- yer.6,1a circumcifed, and they cannot hearken. Were they uncapable of hearing the Divine Commands ? No, but the Word of the Lord was to than a reproach, they had no delight in it.