32 SERMONS it. And our Saviour upbraids the Pharifees, How can ye believe, which receive Honour one of another,. and feek not the Honour that comes fromGod only. They were in high reputation for theirHolive fs,which made it impoilible for them in an humble penitent manner to fub- mit toour Saviour. In fhort, the primary end of the Law was the happinefs of Man in the perfor- mance of his Duty, and his firfl Sin, and confequent impotence to fulfil it, was by his own Fault. As the Obliquity of a Line can- not be afcrib'd to the firait Rule, but to the Error of the Hand that draws it. Acid from hence 'tis clear, that if God fhould with a terrible exactnefs require of Men unfinning Obedience upon the pain of Damnation, he could not be taxt with un_riglr- teoufnefs. P.tb